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I woke up to Cato's arm around me, I sadly have to wake up earlier so I could get back up to my room. ''Cato,'' I shake his arm ''Cato it's time for me to go'' I feel his grip on me tighten pulling me closer to him. ''No don't go, please'' he whines. I giggle, getting out of his grip '' I will see you later today for scoring'' I bend over and give him a kiss the head back up to my room.

When I got back it was around 6:00 in the morning, so Effie will coming to ''Wake me up'' any minute now. so I go ahead and get ready in my uniform, put on my shoes and braid my hair. when I was done, Effie came and knocked on my door,  I opened it with a huge smile on my face.

"Good morning sweetheart'' she says looking a little surprised I was already up. '' well let's go to breakfast'' I say stepping out of my room, she smiles back and starts walking to the dining area. Peeta was already there, so I sat on the opposite side of the table from him. for breakfast, I had pancakes and bacon with a glass of hot chocolate. Haymitch finally decided to up.

 '' so what is the plan for today'' Peeta asks breaking the silence in the room, ''well this morning you will be scored and then tonight you will have the interview'' says Haymitch picking at his food, '' remember to show them all you got today'' he points to both of us. I nod my head before getting up and head to the elevator before the door closes Peeta slips in and we then head down to the training center.

The doors open revealing the career pack as well as some others from other districts. clove is the first to see me and then waves me over. ''Hey guys'' I say walking up. ''Are you ready'' marvel says slinging his arm around me chuckling ''As ready as I'll ever be''

After a while, a lady came and told us to sit in order with our district partner. I say goodbye and go to the back and sit next to Peeta. first was marvel he was all cocky before he went out. after about 30 minutes over the intercom, they call glimmer and so forth. 6  hours they call Peeta, we just nodded heads before he left. 30 minutes they finally call me, I rise and walk out the door everyone else has been. I walk into the training center, up in the loft where the game makers and sponsor's drunker than ever. this is going to well already. I finally walk over to the archery station and grab the beautiful sleek bow, I turn to the drunks up in the loft '' Primrose Everdeen, district 12'' I yell over their loud talking. they shush one another and turn to me. I quick and grab an arrow and walk to the shooting line. I load the bow, take my stance, pull back just like I do in the woods. my fingers released the string I watch the arrow fly through the air and.... miss the target by 2 inches.

The laughter of the game makers fills my ears. how could I miss I never miss. I quick and grab another arrow and refire and the arrow goes right in the center of the target where the first one should have gone the first time. I turn and see no one had seen it. they were to busy gushing over a roasted pig that just came in. before I even think I grab another arrow and fire it at the apple in the pig's mouth. they all look shocked. I bow '' thank you for your consideration'' I throw the bow on the floor and storm out of the room and back up to the penthouse.

Well, let's just say Effie let me have an ear full after I told them what I did, on how it was childish and bad manners, but Haymitch thinks this is the best thing ever. we gather around the television to see what our scores were going to be, Caesar Flickerman flashed up on the screen with his powder blue hair, eyebrows and his whiter than white teeth. he first started with the careers ( of course ).

 Marvel-9                                                                                                                                                                                     Glimmer-9                                                                                                                                                                                 Cato- 10                                                                                                                                                                                      Clove - 10

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