Too close

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Cato's POV- I pace back and forth running my hand through my hair, I'm shocked it's still attached to my head. The events from earlier today are running through my mind, I mean yeah, it's true, the plan, in the beginning, was to use her for more sponsors and liking in the capitol for me. but when I really got to know prim on the rooftop and seen she is down to earth and she cares about her family and is strong, beautiful, and sweet, I actually fell in love with her. The night when we were on the rooftop, and she was telling me all about her district, family, and lifestyle that's when I fell for her. And the night of the interviews when I first saw her walk out all beautiful in her dress, that's the night I knew I couldn't let her go, even though we are going into the games. After the interviews, I tried to call off our plan, but both mine and district one's mentors wouldn't let me, because we needed all of the capitols people on our side rooting for us. 

Now I just lost the first and only girl I actually love, and it's all thanks to my "wonderful friends" now she is out there by herself, and I can't be there to protect her. I can't even imagine what is running through her mind, she looked crushed when she looked into my eyes before running away, I need to find her and try to explain to her that I never meant for this to happen, that I actually do love and care for her. '' dude don't worry, she'll be fine, she got an 11 for Pete's sake'' marvel yells from the bonfire, I turn toward them then back to the forest one last time, sigh I know she's fine, but I promised I'd protect her and all I did was hurt her. I go take a seat next to the fire with my sword and stare into the flames for what seems like all night. 

Prims POV- I am still in shock. But I was kind of expecting for something to go wrong. but I was hoping and praying it wasn't going to happen. I'm still down by the creek, sitting underneath a tree with my bow in one hand. my mental state is basically just blank, I don't know what to think. I'm sure I look dead to everyone watching. I'm sure Haymitch is yelling at the screen, telling me to get up, and "stay alive". 

   So, I force myself up, and go to my backpack, I grab my water canteen and head to the water. I feel all gross and sweaty, so I strip down to my underwear and wade into the cool water, I start washing my clothes, the blood from the tributes I've killed streaks in the water, I watch it go down stream, I think about how I'm a monster, I've killed kids who've done no wrong. I'm so lost in thought I don't even hear the kid slowly sneak up on me. All of a sudden, I feel someone jump on my back, an arm goes around my neck, and a hand goes over my mouth and the person flings us back into the water. I make as much movement as I can, flinging my arms and legs every direction, I throw my head back and hit them I assume in the nose, Their grip loosens and I'm able to get away, I stand up turning towards them to see who it is and see it's the girl from district 4, I don't really remember much about her except that she got a very high score, and that she's from district 4 so she knows how to handle water. We both take in each other, right now I'm just trying to catch my breath and stop coughing up water, as I'm doing this, I see her reach for her hip and pull out a knife that's at least 5 inches long. she's standing between my bow and I, so I'm defenseless, half naked, in the middle of a I bet everyone at homes like "rookie move". 

 I'm not going out that easy though, she starts running towards me, now I'm panicking, I quick and grab both of her arms so she can't swing at me and try to throw her to the side, but she's much stronger then she looks, she only stumbles a step or two and comes back at me swinging, this time I wasn't ready for it and she slashes me with her knife, there's so much adrenaline running threw me I don't feel it at all. I stumble back from the force and notice I'm on the bank of the creek and that I'm only a couple yards from my bow, I take off running, but face plant as the girl grabs my feet and pulls me down, I flip over trying to get out from under her, but she's strong she straddles me easy, she pulls her knife close to my throat and I stop moving in fear. she starts chuckling, and slides the blade down my neck, and stops over my heart, she lifts it up and gets ready to plunge it into my chest. I close my eyes waiting for the impact. that's when I hear a loud thud next to us, and the girl on top of me starts screaming and quickly getting off of me, I open my eyes and see wasps fill the air, not just any wasps, tracker jackers, I quick and jump up, the girl is rolling on the ground just covered in tracker jackers, I run down to the bank grab my clothes, and to the tree where my things are and I throw my back pack over my shoulder along with my quiver, I reach for my bow, and as I'm wrapping my hand around the grip, I didn't see the tracker jacker sitting on there, and stings the side of my hand, I scream in pain, a welt the size of a baseball starts growing on my hand, I grab my shoes and take off running, I look back at the girl and see she's no longer fighting and that the tracker jackers are starting to leave her body, with that I run deeper into the forest.

 As I'm running, I hear the cannon go off, I assume it's for her. I start slowing down, because I keep stumbling and tripping over myself. I've heard what the tracker jacker venom does to a person, I look down at the welt and see its big and already filled with pus, I pull out the stinger and more pus comes oozing out. my head feels so light, and I'm starting to see double. but I keep walking, all of a sudden, I see Katniss running over too me, telling me I need to hide, I need to find shelter. then Katniss shifts into Peeta, and he's yelling at me to go run and hide. So, I do what Katniss/Peeta tell me, I run. I trip over myself and fall to the ground. And all of a sudden I'm on the roof where Cato and I would meet, I look around and see the flowers and the chairs, and then I hear the elevator ding, I turn towards it as its opening and see Cato standing his Hunger games clothes, he's dripping in sweat, sword in one hand that's covered in blood, old and new, and his face looks at me with lust, a lust to kill, He starts walking towards me, I quickly back up, I try to tell him to stop or call out for help, but no sound comes out. My back hits the edge, I look for any way to escape, but before I can find any, he's right on top of me, glaring down on me, he lifts his sword, looks me in the eye and says, "you stupid girl, you thought I really loved you" and brings it down. but before it could hit me, everything goes black, and I don't remember anything after that. 


I'm so sorry everyone, I've been so busy and had a writer's block for a while. but I thought I'd get one chapter out before I leave for college tomorrow. hope you all enjoy it!! I really like it! let me know what ya'll thought in the comments 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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