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I let Effie think she was going to wake me up. '' Get up prim'' Effie spoke to me sweetly '' its time for breakfast and you don't want to be late like yesterday'' she chuckles.

''Huh'' I pretended my eyes were tired and rubbed them. '' thank you for getting me up, but I'm still tired'' Effie turned on the light as my eyes adjusted, I saw Effie was wearing a blue dress with stars popping out around, she wore her hair in a coil on top of her head with blue stars pinned to it. and she had the usual makeup caked on. Typical

When Effie finally left I got ready by brushing my hair and putting it into a braid. I put on my training outfit and lace up my combat boot. as I walk into the dinning area I find Effie and Haymitch siting at the table but no Peeta but I just shrug it off not caring right now.

I fill my plate with two pancakes, bacon and some mixed fruit. after I sit down a avox fills my glass full of orange juice. I nod in thanks and start cutting up my pancakes.

'' Sooo... I hear you are making friends with the career pack'' Haymitch starts off with. '' well you know what they say keep your friend close and your enemy closer'' I shot his way. he seems taken back by my answer, before he can ask me another question Peeta walks in. and you can tell he got no sleep last night, his eye were red and puffy like he was crying all night. he barley drinks a cup of hot chocolate before we go down to train.

Again the ride down was long and very awkward. I think thank you  when the doors open up. I stand around looking to see what I could do today, that's when Marvel noticed me.   '' hey prim!!'' he says waving me over, I chuckle and head over to where they were standing. '' hey guys'' I say slightly waving at them.

Clove instantly drags me over to the knife throwing rake. '' spill'' she says turning to me. ''spill what?'' I ask. '' oh I maybe thought you would know why Cato came in till 5 this morning?" she says smirking at me, I blush looking at the floor. ''I knew it'' she chuckles. '' I like you... your different compared to some girls Cato's dated. she turns grabbing a couple knifes.   ''yea, to bad we met here.'' I say shadowing her. she sadly nods her head.

After the whole girly-girl talk was out of the way, I threw knifes with clove, spears with marvel, hand to hand combat with Cato.    and get this...  they let me show them how to start a fire and plant identification. it was funny... (for me)

Finally, it was time for lunch, of course the careers sat next to me, they really seem to like me, and having me around them, which scares me a bit,  Glimmer still glares at me but it doesnt really faze me.

 '' so prim we decided that we would like to have you part of the career pack'' clove says to me.

I think for a second to myself, what would everyone think of me, district 12 pairing up with the careers, Boy I can see Katniss and Gales faces right now. Hurt?, Angry?, Betrayed maybe. then there's Haymitch and Effie, oh and Peeta god he's been a pain to me ever since we got here.

''Well'' marvel asks me snapping me from my thoughts.

"" I'll do it..  but one condition'' I say, '' what would that be'' Cato says leaning forward resting his elbows on the table. ''We keep this a secret till the games'' I say looking at them all

They all look at each other nodding their heads then turn back to me. ''DEAL'' they say all together (except for glimmer)

After lunch, the lady who spoke to us the first day is back. telling us that there is an obstacle course we need to run, we all line up, I'm in between clove and marvel because of glimmer. she literally pushed me back here so she could stand next to Cato. I look down the line and see Peeta last. I kind of forgot about him today, I've had so much fun today, turning back around I watch the kids go in front of me. it was very challenging that's for sure, there was these monkey bar looking things that you had to get across first. then there was differently leveled terrain you had to run across while people were swinging bats and clubs at you. and last you had to take a running start. and jump on to a rope and swing across a 50ft gap. challenging 

I sit down in the corner to catch my breath for a minute. I feel someone sit next to me, just by the cologne smell that it is Cato, its so intoxicating in a good way. 

''Hey'' he says    ''Hi'' 

''You were great up there'' I blush and look to the ground '' thank you''

''I wanted to tell you I cannot meet you on the roof tonight'' he says looking around then taking my hand '' I don't want my trainers getting suspicious." I sigh and nod understandingly ''I would if I could''

''I know what you mean, but I don't think I will be getting any sleep tonight,'' I say slightly chuckling. 

Cato's face lights up as he says "Why don't you sleep with me tonight''

''Wait! what!? like in your room'' I say looking up at him.  He nods... he looks so nervous I must have spent to much time thinking because breaks me from my thoughts. '' If not that's ok...I-I understand.''

 '' No-no its ok, I'm just thinking how I'm going to get to my room'' I say reassuring him. 

''Well after midnight, you could come down. I believe everyone should be in bed by then. he says while smiling.  '' Ok sounds like a plan.'' I giggle

The bell rang and we all get into the elevators and go to our apartments. 

(skip to supper) 

We are all sitting at the table, loads of food in front of us and i hate it because all i can think about is the family back home starving. After about 15 minutes of peaceful quiet, Haymitch went and ruined it. 

''Ok prim'' He starts off with '' why are you getting all buddy-buddy with the career pack?'' 

Peeta who is sitting across from me makes eye contact with me since our last fight.

I sigh and tell Haymitch everything (except for me being apart of the career pack now). how I was watching marvel throw spears and how it went on from there. Once in done he has a worried but interested look on his face, Effie looks pleased and Peeta just glares at his mashed potatoes picking at them. what did they ever do to him 

''Well I applaud you changing the rules, but I would be very careful, this could be part of their plan'' Haymitch states. I nod understandingly, this has been part of my worries every since I said yes to sit with them at lunch. 

After that, we went over tomorrows schedule. we will be working with Haymitch in the morning and then have the big interview with Cesar Flickerman that night. After supper, I head to my room and wait till 12:30

(skip to sneaking) 

I slowly open my door 

(cue mission impossible music)

And start tiptoeing to the elevator. once inside I press two and head down praying that everyone is asleep, the door opens, I huddle in the corner hiding just in case someone was up, but thank God no one was. 

"now for the tricky part finding his room," I think. Just then an avox comes out scaring the living daylights out of me. I whisper asking him were Catos room was. she leads me to a door I hope is his, I nod in thanks to her and wait for her to be gone before I knock.  I lightly tap on the door, I hear some shuffling and a shirtless Cato open the door. he steps a side and I smile and sneak in.

''I was wondering if you were going to come'' he says walking over to me after closing and locking the door. ''Sorry I took my time cause I didn't want to get caught'' he smirks and slowly moves in to kiss me. Finally, after a long time, his lips are on mine. 

All of a sudden I being thrown over his shoulder and thrown on the bed. I quick and dive under the covers, I feel the bed dip next to me. Catos arm wraps around me and pulls me close. 

''Goodnight my sweet rose'' he mumbles in the crook of my neck. 

''Goodnight'' I say smiling and I fall into a deep sleep.


so sorry this took forever to upload. I had a writer's block for a while. 

Please tell me what you think of this chapter. :)

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