Love at First Sight?

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The voice made me scream and jump, I turn around to find Cato standing there just smirking and trying to hold back some laughter

"I wasn't planning on jumping," I say trying to catch my breath

He keeps on smirking and walks over next to me,  I can't help but see how good his biceps look in that t-shirt that looks one size too small and the slight breeze is catching some of his Cologne sending chills down my spine, it smelled like pines from home, but it was a bit sweeter 

"Soo...." he starts off  "What are you doing up here?"

"I couldn't" I say almost monotone. "Same" is all he says

After a lone awkward silent, but inside my brain I'm freaking out, "why is he here?, is he going to kill me now?, why is he talking to me civil like, like what happened early didn't happen?''  Cato breaks the silence by clearing his throat, which brings me back to reality 

"Not use to this are you?"    ''Use to what?'' I ask

"The city, the noise, the...well everything'' He says gesturing t the city below. "No not really'' is all I say I look to the ground so I don't have to look at him, but all I can see are his feet moving closer to me. I panic and look up to see Cato looking deep in to my eyes...those ocean blue eyes, they were perfect, the perfect shade of blue 

'' What are you doing'' I whisper

''What I've wanted to do the moment I saw you'' He whispers back leaning in

I'm frozen, unable to move, my mind says NO slap him and run, but my heart tells me kiss him,  before I know it Cato's lip's crash into mine, his lips are soft like silk, I kiss him back wrapping my arms around his neck, he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer deepening the kiss. we both have to pull back so we can catch our breath, and what he does then throws me off, the just leaves, no "that was good" no " no on can know" which no one can, not even a "thank you", nothing, just leaving me there confused and honestly scared

I head back to my room thinking about all the feelings swirling around me, do I hate him? I know I should, do I like him? well yes have you seen him, is this just a crush that we're acting on because this is probably the last chance we'll get to kiss anyone, the last thing I remember before falling into a deep sleep is that was the best first kiss ever.

I wake up to Peeta shaking me, ''it's time to get up'' he says almost annoyed.

I grumble as I roll out of bed to the bathroom to take a shower, I choose a rose flavored shampoo and conditioner. after drying my self, I get dressed in my tributes outfit, I lace up my shoes, and throw my hair into a quick braid and walk out the door to breakfast 

Of course, everyone else was there before me. and of course, Effie cussed me out for being late. I just send daggers her way. she was quiet after that. I fill my plate with pancakes and fruit. I take my seat next to Peeta he smiles and I tried to smile back, but I don't feel like it today,  then Haymitch started talking.

'' I want you to work on weapons your not so good at'' he then took a drink of some whiskey looking stuff. ''oh that reminds me.. what are your skills?'' he points mostly to me.

''She's amazing with a bow'' Peeta pipes in Haymitch looks at me interested. ''I used to hunt with Katniss and Gale in the woods back home'' I say. I see out of the corner of my eye Peeta tense up when I say gales name. odd

''How about you'' Haymitch points to him

''He's strong'' I say ''I've seen him throw a 100# sack of flour over his head''

''Oh like I'm going to kill someone with a sack of flour'' He says getting quite loud

''No I'm saying you have more of a chance of surviving if someone snuck up on you'' I yell back. the tension was very thick you could cut it with a knife. Haymitch could sense it and probably didn't want to deal with it, so he sent us down to the training center. the ride down was long and awkward but thankfully we got there before anyone had to talk. 

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