Girl on Fire

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The banging on the door woke me from my deep sleep. 

It was Effie telling me it was time to get up and get ready for breakfast. I groaned and rolled out of bed, After washing my face I slowly made my way to the closet and picked out a light pink cotton dress that was just above my knees and some brown flat shoes, I brushed out my hair and put it into a side braid

As I walked out of my room the smell of pancakes and bacon hit me with full force making my mouth water. Peeta was already there, he had a coffee mug in front of him and was eating some pancakes and bacon, I sat down next to him and grab a piece of bacon and slowly nibbled on it

The door opened and in strutted Effie dressed in her weird capitol get-up. 

"Ok we will be arriving at the capitol in about 1 hour, so go get ready" Then went to find Haymitch, who was probably drunk in his room 

"So you sleep well," Peeta asks not taking his attention off the coffee mug.

"I slept" " Ya pretty well" 

That was the first conversation I had with Peeta the whole time we have been on this train. he then got up and and left, probably went to get ready. Since I was already ready, I grab a cup of coffee and go sit in the living room area, I watch out the window, all the trees and grass flying past us

About half an hour later Peeta, Haymitch, and Effie came in. Haymitch looked hungover from last night, he walks over and gets a cup of coffee, and some toast. He sits in the chair across from me and slowly eats and drinks his breakfast, probably trying to get his head together

"Ok, when we get to the capitol they are going to hand you over to your stylists and whatever happens you will go along with it". there was a long pause before he spoke again "Or you WILL deal with me" After that he got up and walked out of the room, that was the first time I heard him speak, and you could tell it was painful for him 

All of a sudden it went dark, and then the train station full of capitol people appeared. Peeta and I ran to the window to get a better view, Peeta started smiling and waving. as for me I just stared, How could I wave to the people who made up the horrible hunger games?

"This way kids," Effie says pointing toward the door. Once we step outside I had to squint because the sun was so bright, after a bit, my eyes adjusted. 

After standing around for about 10 minutes waving at people and cameras,  another train pulls up and out steps, the district 2 tributes. " wow" is all I think as I looked at the boy, he wore a tight black shirt that showed off all his muscles, and his hair was spiked up, and the sun shining threw it made it look even blonder then it is. " Wait what don't think like that, he's going to kill you...and falling in love is also going to get you killed". I think to myself. Thankfully Effie drug us to the car to take us to the tribute center. before the car door closed I quick and looked up one more time to find the blonde hair boy looking at me, he gives me a quick smirk and I can feel the warmth make its way up to my cheeks and I quickly slam the door and look at my hands in my lap. 

After being wax, plucked, washed, and lotioned my prep team left me for my stylist, I heard district 12 got a new stylist this year. After standing naked for 5 minutes (which is the most uncomfortable thing ever), a dark-skinned man comes in, his appearance throughs me off a little, he wearing black clothing and has only gold eyeliner on for makeup.

"Hello my name is Cinna," He says coming closer " I'm sorry this happened to you"

" Really...most people congratulate me" I scoff while saying this 

" Well I don't see the point in that" Cinna said sitting next to me. 

" So your here to make me look pretty," I say shyer then I meant 

"No I'm here to help you make an impression," he says getting up he then walks around me, which makes me VERY uncomfortable " How do you feel about fire," he said with a smirk while handing me a robe, which I take gladly and quickly put it on. And with that, he leads me to a vanity full of makeup and hair products, I take a seat in the chair and he begins his work.

After 2 hours he finally finished. He walked over to where the was a  black bag hanging from a hook on the wall, he grabs it and heads back to me. He told me to close my eyes, I was hesitant but I did. I could feel the silky lining  slip on all around me and the zipper close. Cinna then told me to open my eyes.

I slowly opened them to find me in front of a mirror. And the person I saw was not me, the person I did see was beautiful. " Is that me" I gasp Cinna just chuckled so I took that as a yes. 

My hair was half up and half down and was curled and on top was a black crown that looked a little like barded wire all wrapped on itself. I wore a long black dress that felt like leather, my eye make up was black and I had a red lip. I looked 4 years older. Cinna then helped me into some strappy black heels. 

"Thank you so much, this-- This is amazing" I say trying to find words, he chuckles and takes my hand

He lead me to where the chariots where, Peeta, Effie and Haymitch were already there standing next to our chariot.  Peetas jaw dropped when he saw me, as well as Effie's and Haymitches,  I just blushed. 

" You look beautiful," he said awe struck 

"thankyou,  you look handsome" checking out the outfit he had on, it was some black pants and a leather shirt that was tight to him and also sleeveless, probably to show off how big he is and how much muscle he has 

"Tributes mount up, tributes mount up," a voice from the intercom said. Peeta jumps up from the ground on to the chariot and then helps me up because its kind of hard to handle the dress and shoes and not fall flat on my face. 

 District 1 left and the crowds cheered very loud all most deafening, then District 2 follows them and so forth.

Before I knew it district 10 left, that's when Cinna lit us on fire and from looking at Peeta we looked amazing. Then all of a sudden the horses stared moving forward and out the gate, the crowds yelled louder for us then they did for District 1, which I didn't know was even possible, people were throwing roses left and right, i caught one and held it up high so they can see that I had it 

We stopped in front of the capitol palace and President Snow walked up to the podium and started giving his speech. He gives the same speech every year, so I look around at the other tributes to see their costumes, some are done well, and some are just plain stupid, but I do notice that everyone is Glaring at us 

Our chariot moves which tells me we are done, as we enter the gates to the unloading area, our flames go out. we were greeted by everyone, they were gushing on how great we were, and how the capitol loved us, I notice Haymitch was glaring at someone behind us, I turn to find a familiar blonde boy staring at us with a evil glint and a smirk. We were then pushed on the elevator to go to our penthouse.

It was huge, bigger than the train. Effie pointed as to were my room is, I find it after getting lost only once and the help of a avox, The room is huge, the walls are a light grey with wood furniture all around, the bed is on a platform with stairs all around so you can get on and off from wherever. On one wall there is two doors, so I go and see what they are, One is the pure white everything bathroom, and the other is a closet that seems like its a least 2 miles deep. 

I enter the bathroom and take out my hair which took forever, Cinna used so many bobbypins. I slipped out of my dress and hung it on the hook on the back of the door. The shower here is so weird, there are so many buttons and knobs, it took me at least 10 minuets for figure out how to turn it on and then find the right temperature in water. I chose a soap that smelled like honeysuckles, it really took me back to the field where Katniss, Gale and I would hunt in. the thought of home all came flooding to me at once, and I realize I'm never gonna see them again, That's when I just lose it and cry. After washing off all the makeup and tear stains I step out of the shower to be then blasted with warm air that dried me off, I can't get over all the capitols luxuries 

After digging around in the closet for a while I find I navy blue tank top and some black shorts, I slip into bed and just melt into the mattress and let the covers protect me from the out side world. It takes a while, but sleep finally over takes me. 

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