Game time

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So sorry I haven't written in a long time!!


Prim's POV

Well, I got maybe an hour's worth of sleep, I spent most of the time in my room eating, wandering around, and thinking about everything.  I thought about home and Katniss if she is doing fine if she and Gale are still going out and hunting, I know she is probably trying to stay strong. I wonder how mom is, did she go back to the way she was when dad died or is she pushing through. 

    I think about Cato and how we have gotten exceptionally close. I wish I could be with him right now, in his strong embrace I feel safe, I feel nothing will ever get me. I think about how Peeta has been nothing but pain. Before I know it, it is 6 in the morning. the games start at 10. Cinna comes and gets me at 7, so I an hour before I'm lead to my death. 

  I decided to take a shower, I spend about 45 minutes just standing letting the water hit my back. the air blower air dry's me, and I braid my hair into my typical braid. I dress in some comfy clothes and wait for Cinna to come. I didn't have to wait long, maybe 20 minutes. 

 We stay silent the entire time until we make it to the catacombs. overhanging on a rack is what I presume the outfit I will be wearing in the arena. Cinna nods to the changing blinds, so I grab the clothes and walk behind to change. the shirt is a forest green v-neck, the pants are dark brown thin material, ''maybe it will be a warm arena'' I think as I start taking off my clothes, I walk back to Cinna, there is a bunch of food sitting on the table in front of him.  We eat in silence again, I try to eat as much as my stomach would hold, which was hard because I was sick to my stomach. 

''15 minutes remaining'' a voice from the intercom says. I let out a shaky breath, Cinna gets up and walks over, grabs my shoes and a jacket. I put on the socks and the brown lace-up leather boots, they are kinda like the ones I wore back home. I then put on the jacket which was a thicker material. Cinna pulls back the first layer of my jacket revealing what I had totally forgotten about, the gold mocking jay pin Katniss gave to me. she said it was going to protect me from getting reaped, well some luck that was. 

''1-minute remaining'' the voice said, I give Cinna a hug, and walk over to the big tube to take me up. ''I'm not allowed to be,'' Cinna starts ''But I could, I would bet on you'' this makes my heart well up. and the tube closes and starts moving up. 

The tube gets very dark and then blinding bright, I squint my eyes and try to take in my surroundings, all I see is green. I look down the line of tributes and I see Cato is about 10 kids away from me. he's looking back at me, I give a weak smile, and he gives me a wink before turning back to the pile of weapons in front of us. ''let the 74th annual hunger games begin'' president snow voice booms through the arena, my eyes finally focuses, and I see a forest. thick, green forest.'' My territory'' I think. 

20 seconds left, I take my running position, the sound goes off and I take at a dead sprint. The careers and I are one of the first ones to make it to the cornucopia, I grab a machete and I don't even have control over my own actions, I just started stabbing anyone that tried to even kill me.  before I know it Cato is telling me to stop. I look around and see there are about 11 kids lying on the ground dead. I start to cry because I was part of the reason they are dead. Cato wraps his arms around me shielding me from the cameras. it takes me a minute to pull myself together. 

We meet up with the other careers and grab our weapons, finally a grab my bow. ''so that's what you like'' marvel asks me, I chuckle and nod my head. we set up our makeshift camp and start settling down.  I sit next to Cato and eat the food they had found in the boxes. All I could think about is how I went animalistic killing today, and it scares me. 

''Clove and Marvel have the first watch, let's get some sleep'' Cato whispers in my ear, I nod and get up, we walk into the cornucopia where there are some sleeping bags already laid out. I walk to one and Cato moves his right next to mine. after getting into my bag I turn to face him and he does the same, he pulls me close so my head is next to his neck. ''Goodnight my sweet rose'' he whispers ''Goodnight my love'' I whisper back.  



ahh the games have started!! what do you all think? 

please let me know! 

also sorry if it is short.

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