Trust Gone

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't written in so long. my summer was super crazy, but now that school started back up, I'll be updating more.  


prim's POV

I only got an hour of sleep last night, I mean who could sleep in here, the high possibility of being snuck up upon and being killed. I just lay there and listen to Catos breathing. I lay there and think about today, I killed people. I finally told myself that I have to if I want to survive. But it still hurts. Marvel comes over and wakes up Cato telling him its His turn to take the next watch. 

He groans and gets up, walking outside to where there is a small fire going.  I know I should probably go out there with him, but I don't want to leave the safety of the cornucopia. after about 10 more minutes I get up and go sit next to Cato, the sun is bright so it takes me a bit to adjust. ''here some breakfast'' Cato says handing me a pack of dried fruit and a flask of water, ''thank you'' I say taking it from him, '' so what's the plan for today'' I ask taking a sip of water.      '' well last night we caught the boy from 10, and we have a plan'' marvel starts ''we are going to put all of our supplies in a pile, then dig up the mines around the tubes and put them around the pile'' he say with a evil smirk on his face, '' so whats the kid from 10 got to do with this'' I ask '' he will be able to activate all the mine so they go off if someone steps on them while they try to take from the pile'' marvel says as if it's obvious. I just nod my head. this was actually a pretty good plan, I was surprised by them when they came up with this plan because careers rarely kill with smarts, they usually win by brute force.  

I just stay in the back while they finish making their plan. I have so many things running through my mind like ''am I going to make it. How is katniss doing watching all this " as I eat my breakfast I notice that Cato is kinda distant. '' hey, are you ok?'' I ask. he just looks and me and nods his head.  I just let it go and continue eating.  

Its now early afternoon and we have started setting everything in a big pile so we can start the plan, we have about half of the boxes and bags piled up. All of us are drench in sweat, it is so warm in the arena. ''guys lets take a 5-minute break'' marvel calls out. We all go sit in the shade of the cornucopia passing around a bottle of water.  while they were relaxing I was looking around and I saw blueberry bushes on the forest edge. Quickly I stand up, "where are you going?'' Cato asks ''Just over there'' I point to the forest edge, he gives me a look like really, "I'll be fine'' I say and walk off.  After about 30 minutes my kangaroo pouch I made with my shirt is full and there is so much more, and don't worry I made sure they are blueberries and not nightlock.  I head back to the cornucopia to put these into a bag, I finally find one in a box that hasn't been stacked in the pile.  That's when I hear the others talking. ''How much longer must I suck up to prim?'' that was clove '' Until the end, you know the plan'' my heart dropped when I heard his voice, '' just think of all the sponsors we will get because of our romance''. 

My heart starts racing, my head is getting light. ''He's using me''.  That's it I can't stay here, I grab my bow and arrows, my backpack and make my presence known. Once I come around the corner, I load an arrow on my string and aim it right at Cato's heart, everyone jumps, and gets their weapons ready to attack. '' You used me'' I whisper tears streaming down my face, no one seemed to have heard me, but by the look in his eyes he did, by the look, it was regret, and hurt.  '' You USED Me'' this time I yelled, this time they all nervously shifted on their feet. 

''Prim'' Cato takes a step toward me, I point the arrow back at his heart, ''NO! you don't even get to talk to me, you don't get to play with my heart'' tears are now streaming down my face, '' I thought you actually loved me'' he gets the courage to take another step forward ''I do, I really do'' '' then why were you talking about the plan'' this time both Marvel and Cato faces dropped to the ground. '' I knew it'' I whisper lowering my bow, '' I should have listened to Peeta...I trusted you'' that's when Cato's face looked back up at me and the look on his face actually looked like he was hurt, and his eyes were getting watery. ''Goodbye'' with that I turn around and sprint to the woods. I hear Cato yelling for me to come back, that just makes me run faster and deeper into the woods.

I ran for what seemed like forever, I kept alongside the creek, so I can find water easily. That's when I just drop against a tree and let it all out, I don't care if I'm crying loud, I don't care if some find's me and kills me, they would be doing me a favor and ending all this hurt. I curl up against a tree in-between two thicker bushes and cry myself to sleep. but my dreams even haunt me, it started out with us in a ballroom, just the two of us, we're at opposites ends so we take off sprinting one another, but just before I get to him, takes his sword slashes me in the stomach and as I grab my bleeding wound he says '' your so stupid to think I actually loved you'' and as he raises his sword to finish me I jolt awake. I'm drenched in a cold sweat. It seems like the end of the night.  I can't even think about falling asleep, so I just lay there listening to the water ripple and watch the sunrise slowly come up. 


so so so so sorry for taking so long, life got a little crazy. hope you all enjoy this new chapter! 

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