Dairy Seven

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  • Dedicated to Mom

Dear Diary,                                                                                     June 14th, 1860

            Today was my father’s funeral. And you will never guess what happened.

            John was drunk!

            He came stumbling and reeking of toxic. It sickened me. He was supposed to marry me in a couple months and he shows up at my father’s funeral drunk! It was awful, he was rude and it was embarrassing. He kept tripping and slurring.

            How could he do this to me?

            He has a lot of explaining to do. Especially when he accused my mother of having an affair behind my father’s back! And he said that it was her punish for her adultery, that my sister was blind! How could he do that?

            Then he said that I better not turn out like my mother. At that point, James took him home and locked him in his room. We have not seen him for hours now. He better apologize to me and my mother tomorrow.


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