Diary Fifteen

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Dear Diary,                                                                                                   Halloween, 1858

John took me to the Halloween Ball and he kissed me! It was absolutely bewildering! My first kiss! And by John!

Oh, and I think I love him. The reason I believe this is because that kiss was like magic! It was better than that… it was love

Like it? Not like it? It’s almost done. Not sure how many more chapters but I know I am almost done. Then the sequel! So excited!

Anyway… Karson and Victoria kissed! Finally! Oh and I finally figured out who John reminds me of… Scar from the Lion King, I was watching it cause I love Disney, and was like, Holy crow! He is John!

Yes, I sit there and make refrences to my stories all the time. I have one for every occasion. Don’t judge me.

Long live Mufasa,

 V-----V Vampireluver23

p.s. when I typed in Mufasa, spell check came up with Mafias. Win.

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