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"Okay, I can do this." I let out a deep breath before getting out my rented car. I already called her to let her know that I was visiting. Though, I'm not quite sure if she believed me.

Well, she should because I'm already here.

Few seconds later, and I could hear screaming inside their house as I pulled down my mask and my Gucci glasses. I smiled at the security camera and waved.

Her house was a combination of traditional and contemporary design. It looked like it's more of a resort than a house. And it must've been fun growing up here.

I smiled as I imagine Lisa spending her childhood days in her home.

"Hello, Taehyungah. We'll get the gate open for you in a bit." The speaker said. I can tell that Lisa's mom is happy to see me by the way her voice sounds like.

"Hello mother!" I waved at the camera.

More screaming followed.

After a short while, Mother opened the gate and welcomed me inside.

I've met her before when she visited Lisa in Seoul. Though it was only for a short while.

"Hello Mother! Good morning!" I spoke to her in English.

"Good morning to you too, dear! Did you come alone?"

"Alone? Yes, yes. I'm one."

"Come inside, Lisa and her father are meditating. They'll be done in a while."

"Ah, khob khun kaa." I bowed and she patted my shoulders.

Now I know where Lisa got her beautiful smile from. Her mom was just as bright as her.

Once we reached the patio, some kids caught my attention when they peeked through the plants.

"Hello!" I greeted them and they giggled cheerfully. They ran away as soon as the elders tried to catch them.

"They're Lisa's cousins. Every time she's around, the kids visit the house. She likes to have them here because she loves kids."

"Lisa and I. We're same. I like kids too."

Mother laughed again. "That's good to hear."

Mother led me inside and have me waited by their living room. I surveyed my eyes around the place and saw some of Lisa's pictures. My eyes stopped at one frame where Lisa was hugging a white cat.

She's so cute. I'm not sure how long I was staring at the picture when Mother spoke to me.

"Can I get you anything?"

"Um, er water's fine. Khob khun kaa."

"Please make yourself comfortable."

She gestured the couch. When I turned towards the sofa, I caught some girls peeking behind the wall by the dining area.

They returned back to hiding when I smiled at them.

"You're welcome dear. I'll just get you a glass of water." She insists and left me alone by myself.

As I sat comfortably, I can't help but be nervous. I know I should've come here with Namjoon hyung or Jiminnie. But then coming here alone is also a good thing. I don't want Lisa's family to put their attention on another guy.

My eyes were still busy roaming around the house when I heard her voice coming from outside.

Dang, how I wish I could understand Thai.

"Oh, you'll meet him soon Dad."

Oh, she's with her Dad. I just saw her Dad in a picture Jungkook showed me. I don't think he's scary in person.

Jin hyung and Suga hyung were teasing me about coming here and facing Lisa's parents. They even told me I should kneel if in case I forgot to human.

I can feel my sweat forming on my temples as the anticipation kicks in.
I stood up the moment I saw them walk through the door.

"Hi." I raised my hand and then put them back in my pockets when I saw her dad.

Maybe I should just visit some other time...

Gosh Tae, keep yourself together. Man up.

Be a man. Be a man. Be a man.

"Oh my god! What are you doing here?!?" She yelled in English.

She didn't believe me.

That figures.

I almost rolled my eyes if it wasn't for her father. She should know by now that I always mean what I say.

I ignored her and went straight to her dad.

"Hello Sir. My name is Kim Taehyung." I announced like a soldier and bowed before him.

I saw him inched towards me and I avoided eye contact. Is it rude to do that or isn't it?

"Mr. Kim Taehyung am I right?"

"I...yes. Thank you..." I responded not sure what I'm saying.

As seconds tick by the more I want to run and chicken out. But I need to do this for Lisa.

I came here to tell father that I have good intentions of dating his daughter.

I know I need to make a good impression all the more to the person who raised my Lisa because that's the right thing to do.

Lisa deserves only the best. And I am that guy for her.

Father's laughter boomed inside the house which made me sigh in relief.

He said something to Lisa in Thai and he walked to me and shook my hands.

"It's finally good to meet you Taehyung. Welcome to our humble home. Mannaseo bangapsubnida." He chuckled and patted my head.

"Oh, kamsahamnida! Khob khun kaa!"

"Pokpak...entertain your guest." Father turned to Lisa and whispered something to her that made her blush.


Now look at my girlfriend. She's sooo...

She's so dead.

I can't believe she didn't believe me when I told her I'm visiting. She could've helped me prepare for all of this. Now her parents must've think I'm such an idiot for coming unannounced. Aigoo.

"Ya, didn't I tell yo-"

I didn't get to start scolding her because she attacked me with a big hug I almost lost balance.

"I can't believe you're here!" She exclaimed her limbs going around me.

"I missed you too." I held her tight and she squealed when I held her legs tighter.Why am I mad at her again?

"Oh, since you're here, I have to show you something." She said and dropped herself from me. "Oooh, I should introduce you to my cousins too!"

"But before that you have  to have some of my special Thai ramyeon." She pulled my hand as she led me to the kitchen. She was so giddy and cute that I can't help myself but to be playful around her.

"Wait, you forgot something." I pulled back her hand and kissed her lips briefly.

If I can count the times I've stolen kisses from her then I probably shouldn't count with all my fingers and toes.

"Okay, I'm good." I muttered without looking at her as I know I'll get hit.

I wasn't wrong and she punched my ab-less stomach.


No regrets though.


Find out Taelice's destiny after Tae's enlistment in Lisa's perspective, From Your Beloved. 

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