chapter 2.

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Mason's pov

I'm back at my office right now with my right hand guy Hayes. We just left a little warning for Nova. Soon, she'll be here. She'll face her punishments for everything she's done. If she thinks what she went through with Jason was hell, just wait till she gets here. I want my revenge and I'm going to get it.

"How long are we giving it?" Hayes said.

"I don't wanna wait too long. I can't wait too long" I said.

"What about the other girls?" He said.

"I"m not as worried about them. Nova's the one I really want." I said.

"we're still doing the plan?" He said.

"of course we are" I said.

"what about the rest of Jason's gang? What are we going to do with them?" He said.

"They'll be involved soon. Right now they can continue to stay locked up" I said.  My alarm on my phone goes off and I pull it out shutting it off.  I then read a message saying I need to get to room 23.  "I'll be back" I said.

I rush down the halls and I see nurses rushing to the room.  I pick up the pace and go over to one and she looks to me.  "It's Grayson.  He's freaking out in there" She said.  I walk past her and go into the room to see him screaming and causing a scene.  When he sees me he stops and just laughs a little to himself.  "fuck you.  FUCK YOU! GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" he yelled.

"sorry, but I can't do that.  I won't do that" I said.

"Whoever the fuck you are, you're not going to win.  Jason is going to find me and he's going to get me out of here" He said and I smirked a little.  His face then dropped and he just stared at me.

"Your little leader is already here.  And I hate to break it to you, but he won't be getting you out of here.  He won't be getting out of here" I said.

"Where is he?! What are you doing?!" He yelled.

"Wouldn't you like to know.  Sedate him" I said looking to a nurse.  Grayson started yelling again and my people went over and tied him down.  I watched as a nurse shoved the needle in his arm and he looked to me.

"you can't beat us" He said before knocking out. 

Little does he know I already did.

Nova's pov

I've been pacing back and forth for who knows how long.  Hannah has been trying to calm me down but I can't get calm.  Who the hell wrote this? Is this supposed to be some funny joke ? or is this serious? Could it be from him...

"NOVA" Hannah yelled and I stopped and looked to her.

"Stop pacing, you're giving me anxiety" She said.

"This note is giving me anxiety!" I said.

"Look, it might not be anything.  It could be some dumb kid just trying to mess with you.  Which is really fucked up" She said.

"What if it's not a joke though? What if this is real?" I said.

"Then who would've sent it?" She said.  I just stared at her and gave her a look and she immediately got what I was saying and started shaking her head.  "There's no way.  He wouldn't do that.  We haven't heard from him in over a year" She said.

You're Mine// Jason McCann Fanfic// Book 2//Where stories live. Discover now