chapter 8.

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Mason's pov

I'm in my office right now pacing back and forth. I laugh to myself a little in disbelief. This Nova girl is smart. I underestimated her. She was so close. Whatever she was on to is gone now. Her memory got wiped. I knew this memory drug would come in handy some time. She doesn't remember any information about the drugs and I want it to stay like that.

"What else did she know?" Hayes said.

"Nothing, she just brought up the drugs" Carter said.

"How the hell did she even find out about them in the first place?" I said.

"How do you think? She's had a key card this whole time. How did she even get one of those? Who's the idiot who wasn't watching her?!" Carter said getting annoyed.

"I got the key card back. She won't be escaping anymore." Hayes said.

"Did you check the lab? Make sure everything is still in there?" I said.

"Everything was checked. Nothing was taken. She must've discovered the new drug. The machine was turned off on our little lab rat" Hayes said.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Her memory of it is gone. She knows nothing" I said.

"You think she told Jason?" Carter said and I looked up to him. Shit. What if she did tell him? I stand up and then I look to Hayes.

"Take Jason to the interrogation room. We gotta see what he knows" I said.

"On it" Hayes said leaving the room.

"This fourth drug...jason's father really had the ingredients?" Carter said.

"All inside that vault" I said.

"And the drug works?" He said.

"Works perfectly. We'll be able to build our own little army with that. They just have to complete the mission" I said.

"And then we get our revenge" He said.

"Exactly" I said. He grins and then I stand up walking towards the door. I open it and then hold it open for Carter.

"You're up. Find out what Jason knows" I said and he perked up.

"Really?" He said.

"Yes, keep him alive though" I said. He stood up and then he walked up to me and stopped next to me.

"Ill try" He said then left the room.

We can't let them be one step ahead of us.

Jason's pov

Im sitting back in this interrogation room chained up to the chair. I don't know why I'm in here. What more can they possibly ask me? I tell them all the fucking time I know nothing about my fathers vault. I can't give them any information.

I see the door open and glare when I see Carter walk in. He comes over and sits in front of me and I don't take my eyes off of him. I feel so much anger boil up in me looking at him. I want so badly to take a gun and shoot him. This time he won't be alive. I'll put a bullet right through his head.

You're Mine// Jason McCann Fanfic// Book 2//Where stories live. Discover now