Chapter 27

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(Katniss' pov)

He's really here. He's standing in front of me..alive? But how? I saw him die..didn't I? This is all so confusing, I need to run away from all this, I turn around so I'm no longer facing him and begin to run towards the bakery, I need to tell Peeta what I saw. I can see Peeta in the window mixing some bread, I reach the door and fling it open, I run round to Peeta and wrap my arms around him tightly, "Katniss? What's wrong?" He asks trying to loosen my grip on him, it doesn't work, "I..I saw him Peeta! He was st..standing right inform of" I yell, I feel a tear run down my face, "Who? Katniss who did you see?" Peeta asks sternly, "C..Cinna" I tell him, more tears are running down my face, I bury my head into his neck and he wraps his hand around me again, so I feel safe.

(Peeta's pov)

"Katniss, where did you see him?" I ask, "I saw him in town, I'll take you" She replys, "No, you stay here with willow and Finn, I'll go and find...Cinna" I reply, I walk out the door straight away so she doesn't have time to react or say anything about it. Where could I find him? Did she really see him? I walk round the town for half an hour, something stops me.. I can see a figure starring at me, I walk closer to see who it is.. "Cinna? You're really here?!" I shout at him. I walk up to him, grab his arm and pull him towards the bakery with me. I push him through the bakery door, he needs to tell us everything, he need s to tell us why he's here? " Why?" Katniss asks obviously in shock, "Well, how? I'll tell you that another day, and why? I heard my girl on fire was getting married so I thought I should come and help her get married in style" Cinna says with a smile, Katniss just stares at him not saying a word, "I didn't think you'd react like this! Should I leave?" He asks directing the question at me, I look at katniss and give him a nod, he then walks out the door, I was hoping katniss would jump and shout don't go, but she didn't, she stayed in the same place not even looking up to see if he'd gone....

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