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Rose's POV.

I entered the coffee shop and picked a seat close to the window. I've never liked sitting away from a window. It makes me feel closed in. I could see couples walking down the street hand in hand and little kids laughing as they played tag. Across the road, an old lady in a pink apron stood selling bouquets of flowers. Each bunch unique and pretty. The coffee shop smelt of vanilla. The walls were painted a deep maroon and framed pictures of detailed work were scattered around the room. A glass case stood by the till. It was filled with pastel-colored macaroons and rather large slices of chocolate cake. The smell and sight made my mouth water. My heart warmed as I saw an old couple sitting and smiling at each other, their eyes crinkling as they laughed. I was mesmerized by the love in their eyes. I sat there tapping my fingers on the table, patiently waiting for Jaehyun to arrive. He was already 20 minutes late.

20 minutes turned into an hour. I was fuming. I had left him a couple of messages questioning where he was, but I hadn't got an answer.

Jaehyun where are you?
I've been waiting for ages.
If you were busy you should've
just said.
You clearly don't have enough time.
Whatever I'm leaving now.

Delivered at 11:39AM

As i was about to leave a voice called out my name.

"Rose what are you doing here all dressed up?" It was Yuta. He sat down opposite me and looked at me with concerned eyes. "I was supposed to be meeting someone, but I guess they forgot" I replied, a frown on my face and a strong sense of disappointment in my heart. "Don't worry about them. I'd never forget about you. So why don't we go do something else?" A sweet smile spread across his face as he told me words that meant so much to me. I nodded and flashed him a grin. "I'd like that"

"Great" He spoke as he offered me his hand. "so where should we go?"

My Rose- Jaehyun- NCTWhere stories live. Discover now