▍FIVE ⚠️

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mentions of abuse and rape in this chapter.

yoongi woke up early in the morning, his back slightly aching from how uncomfortable the couch was last night. stretching out passed the arms of the couch, he noticed jimin overhead. sitting up properly, yoongi turned and saw the man was sitting on the ground in front of the large french doors that led to the balcony. he wore a shirt of yoongi's that seemed slightly big; or maybe jimin's body was just too small.

"whatcha looking at?" yoongi asked, his voice hoarse with sleep. jimin didn't tear his eyes away from the scenery.

"the world," he replied. "the cruel, beautiful world. an extravagant mess."

yoongi chuckled, sitting next to jimin on the carpet, keeping a comfortable distance. "that's quite a nice word to use next to a lesser one."

jimin shrugged. "words have purpose, yes, but how are you supposed to describe something that is equally enjoyable and displeasing?"

"well, you've got a point there." within the silence that came, yoongi decided to study jimin's features. his blond hair was still rather messy, curls flying this way and that way. his face was both skinny yet slightly chubby, as if his body was trying to hold onto the last bits of fat that it still had. his eyes were equally red and dark purple, puffy with bags underneath. jimin's full lips were a bright and vibrant pink, his chocolate eyes keeping their attention outside. "you must be hungry."

jimin shook his head. "i'm not."

yoongi stood up and started to walk to the kitchen. "they say my pancakes are the best in the country," yoongi tried to entice him, glancing up every few seconds as he prepared to make breakfast. "my eggs are wonderful, too. i didn't spend two years at culinary school in america for some gas station breakfast foods."

as he was spraying the pan, he saw jimin take a seat at his bistro, his chin resting in his hand. "gas stations don't have breakfast foods."

"and i didn't go to america for culinary school." yoongi could have sworn he saw a small tug at the doll's lips, but if he did it was gone in a split second. he turned on the oven and began to make the food for the two of them. "while i try not to burn myself or these pancakes, do you want to talk about anything? they say i've got ears like a hawk."

jimin rolled his eyes. "that doesn't ensure that you listen well, just that you can hear well."

yoongi gave him a short pause. "isn't that the same thing?" this time jimin actually did crack a small laugh which in turn made yoongi smile widely, returning to flipping the fluffy cakes.

"i haven't really told anyone about anything. i've been quiet for so many years," jimin began, setting his hand down on the table as he looked back towards the window. "i wasn't always known as the 'real-life sex doll.' i was known as just jimin. at first, it was nice there; we all were treated kindly and the rules we set in place were always enforced. i felt safe and secured there."

"why were you there to begin with?"

jimin sighed, lying his head in his arms. "a few years back, i met the boss at some bar. he was the only person who was kind and treated me like i was treasure. he called me such wonderful names and complimented me and offered a job."

yoongi put the food onto plates, a worried look on his face. "the only one?"

"i lived with my father when i was a child and i was abused physically and sexually. then i got a boyfriend who abused me as well." yoongi sat down and placed the plate in front of jimin who sat up and stared at it. "at first i really enjoyed lover's paradise. i enjoyed feeling like a prize to the clients i had. but... it was short lived."

jimin pushed his eggs around, and yoongi swallowed his pancakes hard. "why, if you don't mind me asking?"

jimin looked up into his eyes for a moment before looking back down. "i was raped." yoongi nearly choked as his eyes bulged from the sockets. his heart felt like it was breaking as he listened to jimin's story, feeling absolutely horrible. he wished there were more things he could do, but yoongi also had to remember that he wasn't around at the time. it wasn't like he could jump through time and prevent it from happening. as yoongi was thinking of ways to build a specific time machine, jimin continued with his story. "no one believed me when it happened. in fact, they shunned me because of it. the man ignored all of my rules and prevented me from trying to get help, then spread rumors about me just lying still, creating this sex doll title for me. from then on it's been this way."

"damn," yoongi said in a small voice. "that's honestly the worst thing i've heard in my entire life, and i am so genuinely sorry that happened. honestly." yoongi carefully reached out to lightly touch jimin's hand, to offer some sort of comfort. the doll watched him but before his fingertips even grazed his skin he pulled away and stood up from the table.

"it's in the past now. what can you do other than say sorry?" his tone of voice was painful to listen to, but yoongi knew he has to do something, anything to help this man.

"they call your a doll, but they sure as hell don't know how to treat one right." that caught jimin's attention and he spun around slightly to gaze at yoongi who smiled. "such delicate porcelain must be treated with care, and i'll gladly show you, if you'd let me."

jimin could only offer up a laugh, spinning on his heel and returning to the bedroom.

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