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jimin wanted to kiss yoongi. he knew he did. he was sat on the couch with his feet up, watching the detective filling out paperwork at the coffee table in front of him. he could see his focused expression as he went through all the files he had—apparently they were about his case but it wasn't like jimin cared—tongue darting out to wet his lips, frown furrowed on his brow. jimin thought yoongi looked beautiful and he wanted to kiss him. but then he would scold himself for thinking like that and kept putting himself down. who would want to kiss a slut like him?

yoongi might.

"do you think i'm pretty?" jimin asked through the silence, yoongi still focused on his work but was paying attention.

"the prettiest," he replied. "i think you're extremely beautiful, i just wish you could see it."

"i want to agree," jimin admitted. "i want to be able to see what you see."

"that's progress, i'm glad." although yoongi wasn't looking at him, jimin still could see the smile that was growing on his face. it made jimin's want to kiss him even stronger. so he got up from the couch and sat himself down next to the detective, who pulled him a little closer. "lonely?" jimin nodded. "i'm sorry. i wanted to work from home to be with you today, because i know you might still be freaked out from questioning."

it was true. jimin was still nervous and uneasy, but yoongi being there made him forget about the whole thing. it wasn't like he was getting updates from hoseok every two seconds, but he did get some information from yoongi about it. apparently they grabbed a few workers from the place and a few customers and were questioning them. even namjoon was questioned but released soon after. it was scary to think about but if yoongi trusted hoseok, jimin would try to.

"i think you're pretty," yoongi said again, catching jimin's gaze. "from the moment i saw you i thought you were pretty. like a little lamb needing help."

"i think you're pretty, too," jimin stated. yoongi searched his eyes with a chuckle. "you're like a cat."

"a cat?" jimin nodded. "never heard that one before." the tug on his lip made jimin really want to kiss him. so much so that his mind began to yell back and forth at him, about whether it was okay to think that or not, and it started to stress him out. his head started to pound and his face twisted in discomfort. yoongi noticed and turned to him. "hey, are you okay?"

jimin shook his head. "no."

"what's wrong?" yoongi was fully turned towards him, files forgotten about as he studied jimin's face and waited for a response patiently.

jimin looked down, embarrassed. "my head hurts because... i was thinking about something."

"if it's about your case, don't worry. i'm handling it and so is hoseok."

jimin shook his head again. "i was thinking about kissing you."

a stillness enveloped the pair, jimin keeping his eyes on his lap as he waited for rejection. but soon hands found their way to his cheeks and lifted his gaze. a soft grin was on yoongi's face, his cheeks a dusty pink color.

"that's okay. i think about kissing you all the time." now it was jimin's turn for dusty cheeks and he couldn't help the smile on his face starting to grow. "the only reason why i haven't done it is because i don't want to make you uncomfortable. you came from a really nasty place, and you're traumatized, so i didn't even want to touch you in general. i want you to be comfortable always."

"if it's you, i think i'll be okay." it was partly true. it's true that jimin believed that he would be okay with anything happening if it was yoongi, but truthfully he knew he was still afraid and scarred. he only recently got used to yoongi touching him out of free will and instinct, and receiving hand holds and hugs. even getting his head touched was something he finally got used to. he could go out and bump into a stranger and not cry from it. he even was able to be close to hoseok and have him touch his shoulder. he was making progress, so he believed he could do it.

yoongi sighed as he grabbed the blond's hand. "jimin, i'm not really sure. i'm not doubting your feelings, i'm just nervous. i don't want to hurt you."

"can we try?"

yoongi searched jimin's eyes once more, concern etched onto his features. he placed a hand on his cheek, warm and inviting, and a smile soon found its way back on his face. "okay. but please let me know if you get uncomfortable or anything. this is a big step for me, too, i don't want to hurt you in any way. promise me."

jimin nodded, scooting closer to the older man. "i promise."

his heartbeat quickened as he felt yoongi's thumb caress his cheek, the hand holding his moving to entwine their fingers together. jimin's hand was so much smaller in yoongi's bony fingers, and his heartbeat quickened even more. he took a few deep breaths to calm down and in his mind he kept saying it's just yoongi, it's just yoongi. yoongi then started to lean in slowly to make sure jimin was okay. he didn't want to scare him by his pace. jimin's eyes were already closed, so he closed his own right before he pressed his lips to jimin's. the doll tensed up at first, not used to a genuine kiss, but he relaxed when he felt yoongi's hand carding through the back of his hair. it was soft, yoongi's lips were soft, and jimin felt what most people call butterflies in his stomach. the kiss was static, both parties remaining in their spot. jimin felt like his heart was going to explode so he pulled away, keeping his forehead against yoongi's. their eyes met for a split second, and jimin could see something in yoongi's he had never seen in a person who had kissed him before. what was it? whatever it was, it made jimin lean in for another kiss and yoongi allowed him, this time moving his lips slowly with jimin's own. this kiss wasn't still, just slowly moving with each other, and jimin giggled at one point at the noises that came from them pulling their lips apart. yoongi smiled against his lips.

"you're okay?" yoongi asked, eyes closed and his breathing only slightly irregular.

jimin nodded as his arms went to wrap around yoongi's neck. "i'm fine. i'm okay, yoongi. thank you."

jimin wanted to kiss the man again, but he decided to give his body a break from the stimulation, just enjoying the tight hug he received back.

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