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"hello," jimin's voice spoke quietly, standing in his boss' old office. he felt incredibly afraid, back against the wall to try and protect himself. the office looked the exact same—covered in dirt with papers all over the place—and jimin was nervous but he swallowed the feeling to keep a cool head.

his boss gave him a sick smile as he stood and walked over to him. "my precious boy," he said, reaching to pet jimin's hair. the blond had to fight his body from flinching. "i didn't think you'd actually come."

"yeah, well." his boss walked back over to his desk to shift papers around before finding a key and handed it over. jimin stared at the golden key, flipping it over in his hand to get a good look at it. "what's this for?"

"my apartment. i need you to come over so we can discuss what we're going to do with you."

jimin raised an eyebrow. "do with me? i thought i just had to come back here."

his boss let out a chuckle. it was a bit stressed—like it was forced out—and dry, scraping against his vocal chords like mold against an old wall. disgusting. his boss' eyes looked mangled just like his appearance was at every moment of time. did this man ever wash? jimin knew the answer. it was a big fat no. he wanted to laugh at his joke but decided to eat it in case his boss decided he didn't like it.

"i said get back to where you belong. you're here, so now we have to decide what to do with you. so you will come to my apartment."

jimin shook his head. "we can discuss that here. i don't want your stupid key." he threw the key back onto the desk, his own eyes staring into his boss'. he wasn't sure where the sudden confidence came from, but he was glad for it. he trusted yoongi so he was going to do everything in his power to help him. this was all apart of his plan in doing so. "if it's so important, business should be spoken about here, in a place of business. your apartment is for pleasure, and i do not wish to step foot into your pigsty."

"oh? you really think you can stand up to me?" his boss croaked, sending shivers down jimin's spine and red flags popped up everywhere. yet he stayed in his spot, wanting to do the most to his ability.

"if you actually find me valuable, then i guess you're gonna have to do what i say," jimin tested, grabbing out a small switchblade from his pocket. "i copped this from you when you wrapped your octopus arms around me. if you really need me for this disgusting business of yours, then i suggest you listen to me."

"and what do you plan on doing with that blade? are you going to kill me? i don't think your cop boyfriend would like that."

jimin nodded. "he also wouldn't like this." the blond turned the blade over, holding it against his own throat. he watched his boss lurch forward in his seat and the younger smirked. "if you really find me important you'll tell me what you want to say here, or else this all ends in front of you." he knew it was crazy. putting his life on the line more-so than ever before. it was the only thing he could think of to keep his boss in check. he didn't tell yoongi; in fear that he'd hurt him more if he really did have to do it. he was just glad he saw the reaction he needed to confirm that he was more than likely not going to have to go so extreme.

"remove the blade from your neck and i'll talk." jimin shook his head.

"talk and i'll remove the blade."

"you're really going to be that stubborn just to find out what's going to happen to you?"

jimin shook his head again with a smile growing on his face. "no, i'm just a distraction."

with those words leaving his mouth, the door was kicked down, revealing an army of police and detectives swarming the office and grabbing his boss. the man struggled under the hands on him, very clearly realizing jimin had played him, and he was trying to get to him. he was pinned down, so there was no way he could escape, and one of the officers began to read him his rights. just then, jimin was yanked from the room. he saw the multitude of other officers and detectives all throughout the building, taking in basic and freeing the others who were in similar situations he was in. the moment he was outside, the knife was thrown from his hand and arms wrapped around his body.

the scent of home.

"you didn't tell me you were going to literally put your life on the line," yoongi breathed into jimin's ear. the cool sensation of his breath made jimin sink into his arms and return the hug. "what if something happened?"

"i don't know," jimin admitted. "i just wanted to scare him."

"well you scared me too."

"i'm sorry." the younger pulled away from the hug and ran his hand down yoongi's cheeks, a warm grin finding its way across his face. "but i'm still alive and i'm holding you, and he's going to be going away for quite some time. i think this is the happiest moment of my life."

yoongi couldn't stop the smile growing on his own face as he leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to jimin's lips. "i couldn't agree more. let's go home."

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