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jimin talks about what happened to him, abuse and rape mentions.

his leg was bouncing. he started to notice all of the nervous ticks he did sitting in that chair. he was sitting there for a while, surrounded by blank walls under a dim lamp, no one coming in to talk to him. so he counted how many bounces his leg did. he lost count after the first five minutes because he was bouncing his leg way too quickly. then it moved onto fingers tapping against the table, his teeth gnawing on his lower lip, his blinks, his thumbs twiddling. at the moment he thought he was going to burst with anxiety, the door finally unlocked and opened, revealing a man with dark hair and a wide smile.

"hello," he began, taking a seat in front of jimin, "i'm detective hoseok. i just have a few questions for you."

"where's yoongi?" jimin asked, his voice small and quiet, almost set at a whisper. jimin saw the detective's face twist in a way he assumed was pity before it went back to the neutral smile he had.

"i'm going to be asking you questions for the time being, you'll get to see him in a second, if that's okay?" jimin shook his head—because no, it wasn't okay—and he fell back into his chair, trying his best to disappear. hoseok looked at him for a second before looking at the window and getting up to the door, walking out when it unlocked. a few more seconds past and yoongi came through the door, crouching next to jimin's chair.

"hey," he began, his hand finding its place within jimin's own, "i know it's scary but just answer his questions, yeah?" jimin shook his head and tapped his bracelet three times. yoongi frowned and reached up, jimin allowing him to run his fingers through his hair. he shook a little, out of general fear, but the feeling of yoongi's warm hand helped him calm his nerves. "i know. i know you're scared. i'm just beyond that window, okay? i'll send you some reassuring vibrations if needed but i can't be here with you. think of hoseok as... an extension of me." he smiled at jimin who couldn't help but crack one right back at him, feeling a little better than before. "hoseok just wants to help, and he means you no harm, okay?"

jimin agreed and yoongi stood up, tapped his bracelet and walked out. right after hoseok came back in and smiled, sitting down with his clipboard.

"are you okay?" jimin nodded. "okay, i'm going to start off with just a few simple ones, and you can answer to the best of your ability and comfort. we're here to help you, though, so anything you know is going to be helpful... so to begin, could you explain to me how you came across lover's paradise?"

jimin's stomach turned at the mention of the building, the memories flooding into his head in a very visible way, as his face twisted up into an unreadable expression. he felt a vibration in his bracelet, meaning yoongi was there, so he decided to suck it up and talk. "well," he began, biting his lip, "i met him at a bar. i was having a horrible life because i was suffering from abuse of my father and ex boyfriend at the time... uh, and he was really nice to me—"

"who's he?"

jimin swallowed the lump in his throat as he continued with an uneasy tone. "he is... well, the boss. i don't know his name, i've only known him as the boss... so he convinced me to join that place because i needed money and protection."

"protection from your father, or your boyfriend?"

"both?" jimin shrugged. "i was just afraid at the time so anything sounded right. and it felt right at first."

"and then... what happened?"

jimin paused for a moment, not knowing if he could say it again. he was able to admit it before but as he's talking again, he doesn't know if he has the strength. he shouldn't even be saying anything, because what if the boss comes looking for him? in fact he probably already had people out looking for him. these thoughts began to plague his mind and he was psyching himself out of it, but then he felt a vibration in his bracelet. yoongi was there, telling him it was okay, and jimin believed it. yoongi was always so kind and sincere, so if yoongi was supporting him he knew it would be okay.

with a deep breath and tears forming in his eyes, jimin spoke with a voice louder than the one before, like he was finally fully accepting what happened to him. he knew if he kept walking around it he could never get past it. this was his chance to begin stepping past it. "i was raped. one of my clients ignored my rules and raped me, and when i tried to tell my boss he just threatened me and beat me. that's when i became this 'living sex doll.'"

hoseok nodded, a frown on his face as he wrote things down. the look in his eyes was apologetic but it wasn't like he could do anything but apologize for something he didn't do. jimin didn't want that. he knew what he wanted:

he wanted that boss taken down.

hoseok looked at his watch and then back at jimin with a small smile, before beginning the talk again. "thank you for answering some of my questions. i know it's hard for you to talk about it. your story will not go unnoticed and i promise to do what i can to not only protect you, but also take down those who deserve it."

and jimin smiled back, finally beginning to accept the things that happened, and he hoped his future would brighten up.

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