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jimin told yoongi about how he wanted to explore on his own. yoongi was a little worried about it, especially since he was going back to work, but jimin insisted on it. he had to be able to take care of himself. yoongi didn't like the idea still—because while that was true, jimin shouldn't go out alone—but he finally convinced yoongi he would be okay. the detective kept repeating to call him if anything happened no matter the size and left for work, giving jimin his much needed kiss. the kiss lasted longer than it normally did. jimin could feel the desperation and kindness pouring into it, making his chest feel feathery. the moment yoongi left was the moment jimin longed for him, but he needed to do this on his own.

getting dressed in a basic tee, pants and jacket, jimin threw on some boots and headed out into the world. yoongi's apartment was near the center of the city, so jimin didn't have a long ways to walk to get to the heart of downtown. the area was bustling with busy bodied people and birds chirping loudly. cars passed by as he walked in the street, zooming to get to work on time. or that's what he assumed. he didn't really know where they were going. he walked passed a sort of sale going on and it seemed to stretch for a few blocks. people were gathered around and jimin finally understood why. most of the stuff on display were extremely cheap. it ranged from clothing to accessories to appliances, and jimin walked all the way to the end where the earrings were. he found a really cool looking dangling one w three chains so he scraped whatever money he had on him and bought it, putting it in right away. he continued his walk, enjoying the beautiful buildings and colors he saw. he never realized how nice the city truly was. he had only known the shitty backend of it. if it wasn't for yoongi, he would have stayed in that part until he died.

his thoughts began to fill with yoongi. the blond still couldn't believe everything that had happened to him. yoongi was extremely kind and truthfully wanted to help him since the beginning, and then started to like him along the way. jimin was beyond grateful and still felt like he needed to do something for him, so he turned back around to the sale going on and found a ring set. it was a couple set, a simple silver band with a rainbow detail hidden inside. jimin thought it was the perfect gift so he bought it as well and put it in his pocket for later.

he didn't know how much time had passed by, but he was starting to feel a little overwhelmed. his best bet was to just return back home and take a breather from all these people surrounding him. so he trudged on back, passing up more buildings and ramen places that looked good. he'd have to go there with yoongi some time. as he walked, he felt a chill going up his spine. it was as if someone was following him. he turned around but saw no one so he brushed it off. but then someone came up next to him and pushed him into the alleyway, pinning him to the wall.

jimin let out a squeal in response, eyes pinched closed in fear. "looks like i found you." jimin's entire body froze at the voice. it was his boss. "you're a hard person to find, you know that? but i managed to get you finally."

jimin's mouth was dry and any attempt to actually speak disappeared. his eyes remained closed and his body was folding in on itself in an attempt to grow smaller. the pace of his heart was dangerously fast. he didn't know what to do. his boss didn't like that so he pushed jimin against the wall again, taking his arms and holding them above his head.

"look at me when i'm speaking to you!" jimin let a small cry out as his gaze slowly lifted to meet the dark eyes of his boss. the blond shuddered in fear upon viewing the man's disgusting appearance like he'd always seen. he shook like a leaf under the gaze and wanted to desperately run back home to yoongi. yoongi said he'd protect him, right? he stood there mentally praying someone helped him out in this situation but he was sure it wouldn't happen. "i let you run off because i thought it would be humorous, because i knew you'd end up crawling back to me. but never would i think that my baby boy would get the police involved? i'm hurt." jimin wanted to spit on his face. he wasn't anyone's baby boy. not him, not the client's, not even yoongi... jimin felt disgust swell up in his throat at the idea of this man still believing he was his precious thing. he wanted to break free and so he tried but the man's grip on his arms tightened. "now i'm getting angry. so here's what i'm gonna do. i'm going to let you go today, but come tomorrow you better be back to where you belong or else everyone you love will die, and then i'll kill you, too."

jimin shook his head—another thing his boss hated—and in doing so he felt his boss's hand slip from his arms but go straight to his throat. the man was choking him, and jimin gasped for air, scratching at his arm to break it free. "l-let..." he couldn't speak. tears welled in his eyes and he choked on his sobs, his head beginning to go light. "p-plea-ase..."

with one finally squeeze the man dropped jimin, who clambered to the floor reaching at his neck in an attempt to bring oxygen to his throat quicker. he sobbed, his gaze reaching up to the man.

"you heard me, boy. you need to get back to where you belong or that boyfriend of yours gets it. i could've fucked you here and killed you myself if i didn't see potential in you. consider yourself lucky."

he finally left, leaving the sobbing jimin on the concrete floor gasping for breath. once he regained his breathing he leaned over and vomited, the tears stinging at his eyes. his hands shot up to his face as he screamed, his entire body shuddering and shaking. he didn't know what to do but he remembered his bracelet and reached for it, hesitating above it. he knew he probably should tell yoongi about this, but he was afraid of something bad happening to him. did that mean jimin was going to have to give in, to protect yoongi? jimin felt so lost at that moment that he stood up and wiped the continuous tears from his face, racing out of the alleyway and back home before yoongi could get there first.

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