yoon jisung

693 18 2

❝ — i thought you
were comfortable
with me, but you just
left without a

"daehwi! where's your sister?!" your mom asked, finding you who was nowhere to be found. she woke up your eighteen year old brother at two in the morning.

he squinted his small eyes, trying to open them. "why? she's not there?" he asked cluelessly. "o! she's not in the house." your mother said, crosing her arms in disbelief. your parents dont have any trust in you.

you were pretty careless with everything around you, because you thought that the world is safe, when infact, it's not. you always go out in one o'clock in the morning without thinking. you're mature actually when it comes to mind, but careless. that's why even your brother wonders where you are when he goes to your room by ten in the evening.

"daehwi-ah, shall we get someone to take care of your sister?"

"i think she needs someone too. i know someone!"


"hello! i'm yoon jisung, lee daehwi's friend." he bowed infront of your mother. it was nine in the morning and luckily you got home by three last night.

you were staying on your room, clueless of what was happening downstairs. "jisung-ah, i heard you're good at taking care of kids."

"yes, aunt"

"i hope you take a good care of my daugher," she smiled, clutching her hands together.

jisung only smiled looking at daehwi and said, "is your little sister cute? ooh she must be." he laughed a little. daehwi smiled sheepishly, "ah hyung..about tha-"

"why don't you show me to her room?"

daehwi nodded and led jisung to your room. "goodluck," daehwi smiled one last time as he patted his hyung's back before leaving.

once jisung opened the door, he saw you playing video games.

he chuckled nervously, "she's not the one im taking care of right?" he asked himself. he knocked on the door getting your attention. you glanced at him saying, "

"who are you? are you my brother's friend? he's room is next-"

"uhm, where's your little sister? daehwi said she's here.."

she laughed, pausing the game. "little sister? we're only two kids in the family!" jisung was taken aback by what he heard.

"don't tell me i have to babysit this girl?" he asked himself again softly.

"so am i-i going to b-babysit you?"

"what do you mean? if you want then you can. my mom needs one for me though," she shrugged and continued playing.

"so a twenty-three year old is the new baby.. i wasn't informed about that." he mumbled, his eyes looked dull as he kept wearing a poker face.


"daehwi-ah! why didn't you tell me it's your noona?!" he stompped his feet. "hyung, noona needs someone beside her! she carelessly goes outside and doesn't care what happens around her."

"then why don't you just lock her in her room?"

"she'll go out of the window."

"gosh" jisung sighed, still worried. "but hyung, give it a try.. if it doesn't go well, then you can quit."

"then i'll make sure it doesn't go well,"


"jisung-ssi!" she yelled, looking on the mirror with her red stained shorts.

jisung gasped and was in disgust. "bring me something! i have to change!" she said as fast as she can. jisung ran to get something for her and came back to her room.

"why are you bringing me a diaper?! i'm not a baby?" she scoffed, looking at jisung who was holding an xl sized baby diaper. he went down again to get sanitary napkins, he didn't hold the whole pack, but he just pinched the plastic with his fingers and throwing them to y/n.

jisung held a spoon, feeding you while he tries to make an airplane sound, making different directions with the spoon.

"say ah" he joked.

you only looked at him with a frown, "what's wrong with you?" and then you went back playing with the game.

"try to eat it. you're only making me embarassed." he scoffed.

it hasnt been a week but jisung already complained to your mom and daehwi. he can't stand anymore, he thought he was going to babysit a three year-old child but was actually a twenty-three year old girl.

"daehwi, auntie, i can't do it anymore. it's only making me embarassed."

"aigoo, jisung-ah we're sorry. sometimes, y/n is really mature."

"it's okay aunt. i'll get going now." jisung bowed before leaving their house.

y/n came down and tried to called jisung. "jisung-ssi! where's my water? jisung-ssi?" she went to the kitchen but jisung wasn't around.

"daehwi-ah. where is he?"

"oh noona? jisung hyung? he left. aigoo, noona were you too much for him to leave like that?" daehwi chuckled, shaking his head to his sister.

"he left?"



@innongcent thankyou
for helping me with this plot

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