lai guanlin

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❝ — next time, i'll
lead you to my heart

✧: @daysicc

as soon as you held out your map, you tried to look for the hotel you were going to stay in for three days and two nights.

you patiently waited at the bus stop. while waiting for the bus, you held out your phone and searched how many kilometers does it take to arrive at your destination.

"seventeen kilometers? that's pretty far.."

"oh here comes the bus"

you hopped on paid for the fee. there was no free seat inside and few people were standing.

it was a good thing that you're not a car-sick person. at the next stop, almost five people came out so you got to sit farther at the back, and someone sat beside you too.

it was a chinese guy wearing sunglasses. he looked too manly for you plus he was crossing his arms and it made him look more handsome. you went your gaze back to your phone. gladly, you booked up a room for you during your flight from korea to taipei.

as the bus pullovered at the last stop, you hopped out and started searching for the kilometers left.

12 km.

showed on the screen. you sighed as you still have a long way to go. you cant even ask for help since you dont know how to speak mandarin. since you were at the bus stop, you tried asking for help in english and no one seems to understand you.

fortunately, the same guy who was at the bus earlier tapped on your shoulder and started to speak by your language.

"do you need any help?" he said with his smooth and cute english. "uh yes. do you know where * hotel is? would you mind leading the way for me?" you asked.

"oh yeahn i know where it is but it's pretty far from here. i don't have any plans for later so sure, i'll lead you." he smiled.

later on, you rode a taxi with him and dropped off at the park. there were only two kilometers left and no vehicles were allowed on that street so you both had to walk. during the taxi ride, there was an awkward silence. no one tried to speak up only when the driver asks something and that guy would answer him back in mandarin.

few minutes later, you thought that you were lost so you asked him if he was really sure about that place.

"i know where it is, just follow me." he gave you a small smile. you started rolling your eyes as it was taking so long to arrive and your feet starts to hurt.

"he's handsome but he doesn't look knowledgeable about his own hometown." you backstabbed him in korean, knowing that he might not understand what you were saying.

"what did you say?" he asked, confused.

"i said it's taking us so long.." you muttered, trying to calm yourself. "i told you i know where it is. i even know every alley in this place!" he made gestures and pointed some locations on the street, trying to look cool.

"he's not only dumb but also full of pride. he can't even take me where the hotel is." you mumbled again in korean.

"what?" he asked for another time.

" i said, my feet hurts!" you talked back.

the sun was almost setting, yet you still haven't arrived at your destination. he then started squatting in the middle of the street. you looked at him weirdly and asked, "what are you doing?"

"you said your feet hurts so im trying to give you a piggy-back ride. don't miss the chance a'ight?" he smirked.

then you kicked his leg softly that made him stumble to the ground, you swore at him in korean, "are you trying to flirt with me? i don't even know you!" then you walked ahead of him.

he fastened his pace to catch up with you. you were still talking and saying so many things, "he's not even that good-looking and he tries to flirt with me?!" you scoffed.

"i'm not flirting with you." he spoke in korean that made you flinch.

"mwoya? you can speak korean?" you furrowed your eyebrows.

"uhuh." he answered nonchalantly.

"now ride on my back because you said your feet hurts." he tilted his head. "no thankyou." you walked again ahead of him but then he stopped infront of you again so you can ride on his back.

"don't play hard to get, you said your feet hurts. isn't that a way of telling me indirectly to ride on my back?" he smirked. you only rolled your eyes on him and started walking. your feet does really hurt but you don't wanna trust a man whom you just met on the bus a while ago, especially on a place you don't even know where to go.

"you can trust me. just don't think negative things such as-"

"okay okay fine." you sighed and he finally squat again and you slowly ride on his back. "in ten minutes, we will arrive at our destination." he smiled and carried you all the way to the hotel.

after ten minutes, he dropped you off infront of the hotel.

"t-thankyou," you stuttered.

"yeah sure. you can check in inside now." he said and both of you turned around facing different directions. but before you enter the glass door of the hotel he spoke up once more.


you looked behind and raised an eyebrow. "what?"

"can i perhaps have your uh number?"

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