Chapter 11

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I woke up in bed next to a sleeping Dico. Nothing ended up happening that night except for some heavy petting. I wasn't into it and Dico knew it was wrong. We ended playing Grand Theft Auto the rest of the night until we fell asleep. I'm too impulsive sometimes. I definitely need to work on that. It really gets me into trouble. Like with Robert. I thought I loved him, then I ran away with him. 2 months later I was married and pregnant. Weirdly the marriage lasted 4 years and I got a great kid out of it, but I didn't get to live my life. If I could I might take it all back. I know it's selfish of me, but I can't help but wonder what would've happened if I'd never talked to Robert all those years ago. Maybe I would've been with one of the Jackass guys. Things could've turned out terrible though. I was always a pretty good kid, but Bam and them got into some bad shit and they could've influenced me. All I ever think is what if. What if I'd done things differently? Where would I be in life? All I wanted was my life back. Then I start thinking about little Trev and I wouldn't change a thing. All I want is to be home, this home in West Chester. Not in my house in California. I want the cold and snowy winters and the hot summers. I want the Sunday morning where you go to breakfast at the small diner. I want Phil and Ape to be my parents again. ALL I WANT IS MY OLD LIFE BACK!!! And that's when I truly woke up from my deep coma that I'd been in for 5 years.

Alright I know short chapter and yes I know major twist. I wasn't planning on going in this weird little direction, but I didn't like the way the story was doing to I switched it up a bit, actually a lot. Trust me I'm going to miss Trevor too
and I'm sorry, but I was getting major writer's block and I feel like the story was getting boring so here we are. So how do you feel about the change in direction. I know no one saw that one coming. I promise that Miranda is still going to be head over heels for Johnny so reader do not fear because Johnny Knoxville is here!!!

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