Chapter 3: I Gotta Eat Right?

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Man it's hot as fuck outtcha I wish it would rain or something . A nigga get tired as fuck of walking. One day ima get my own shit and be sitting good ain't never gotta ask nobody fa shit. Thought August as he watch the nice cars past by.

Hey blood what's going on? Yelled a guy from across the street.

Shit nothin much chillin tryna make my way. Said August with beads of sweat running down his forehead.

Shit I bet you is blood. It's to fuckin hot outtcha to be walking ya heard me. Shit you ain't go no whip bruh? Asked the guy .

Nah bruh like I said I'm tryna make it ya heard me my people but me out and shit so I'm just going wherever I can lay my head safe. Said August with a sad look in his eye.

Well look where you sleepin at now? Asked the guy

Well I got this lil spot at a gas station this lil chick hooked me up with at night that work there. But all I gotta do is give her some weed and she gonna let me sleep there ya feel me. Said August

Damn bruh well look here blood I got that work for ya if you really want it. Said the guy with a smile.

Yea shit I'm good fa it I gotcha. Said August with a grin.

Yea so what's ya name blood? Asked the guy.

I'm August

Ok August nice to meet you I'm Nookie. So when can you put this work in?

Well nookie I can start today if that's cool. Said August

Nah not today come by my place tomorrow and I'll show you the corners you gonna be workin. Said nookie

Ok cool where you stay at? Asked August looking around.

I stay in the west bank blood big ass blue house with a white door can't miss the bitch I promise you. Laughed nookie

Aight cool bet son I'll meet you there tomorrow. Said August

Aight bet. Said nookie as he drove away.

Damn bruh I just caught me a nice lil lick hopefully this shit really work out good. Shid come to think about it I'll be able to get my own shit in no time ima be set. But that nigga look like the typical ass drug dealer gold grill, black as fuck, ugly as hell and got about 12 kids and ain't takin care not one of them. Got 12 different baby mamas and still tryna get back together with the first one. Sad as niggas in New Orleans boy I tell ya and be trigga happy like a bitch to.But that ain't got shit to do with me as long as I get ol girl her weed and I stay light on my feet I should be straight. I just pray I don't get fucked ova and loose my life.


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