Chapter 15: Everything Come To An End

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I wanna thank y'all for riding with me on this first fan fiction book. I will admire I was nerves as hell cause I didn't think I was gonna get a lot of play on it. But the shit turned out better than what I thought so stay tuned as I write more books baby 🤗🤗🤗🤗

Say August what's good nigga. Asked jaylen

Shid nothin much on this hot as corner sellin this work. Laughed August

Yea nigga I see ya gettin it in. But it's hot as shit today . Wanna take a brake for a minute and go get a drink? Asked jaylen smiling hear to hear

Yea nigga let's go and you asked me if I wanna take a brake like I'm a part time drug dealer or my dumb ass work at rally's. Laughed both of the boys as they enter a bar on bourbon street.

Man you are a part time dealer nigga you only come out the house in the day time. Said jaylen laughing harder than ever.

Boy fuck you at least I'm gettin money and no always broke like yo beggin ass. Laughed August

Nigga whateva I'm focused on school I too much worried about the street life that shit gonna get you killed and I love my life nigga. Smiled jaylen

Yea ok nigga whateva you say. Said August taken a sip of Hennessy.

See my nigga jaylen was always in the books he was smart as shit especially when it came to numbers and money . I remember when we was kids this nigga argued the cashier the fuck down sayin nigga you own me $2.47 you only gave me a $1 back I know taxes ain't that fuck high. All I could do was laugh cuz the nigga didn't pay about his money . Plus his mama was gonna beat both of our asses if we didn't come back with the right change. Those where the good ol days bruh. But ever since my brother died I just been fuckin up and doin stupid shit I know my bother wouldn't approve of. One day ima make it out of New Orleans one way or another and show his I can do better cuz I know that's what he expected.

Hey nigga you listening to me? Asked jaylen.

Nigga no my bad I was In my own thoughts again now what happened. Laughed August

Boy I hate it when you do that shit you been doin that since we was kids. Laughed jaylen

Yea yea I know now what you was tellin me? Asked August

I heard Jariah has her baby he is a health baby boy which surprised the fuck outta me just to say she use to be on all types of shit. Said jaylen

Yea I know right. But ima pay them a visit she told me she was gonna stay with her mama and lay low for a while dealing with that whole setting nookie up situation. Said August

Yea that's good but word on the street is they comin for her ass tonight they got everything set up already they was just waitin for her to drop that baby. Said jaylen

Wait nigga what!!! Said August

Yea son they lookin for her now as we speak. Said jaylen

Bruh I gotta get down there before they get to her!! Said August jumping up from his chair in the bar and headed for the door.

Nigga how you gonna get there? On your two feet? Said jaylen

Bruh let me borrow the whip ima get her and that baby outta there now. Said August

Nigga for what I thought you was down with her? Said jaylen getting upset as they both headed towards his car.

Nigga what the fuck does that have to do with you? I don't wanna see that baby motherless cuz she fucked Up and made a mistake bruh!!! Yelled August

Nigga why you playin it actually got a lot to do with me if you really wanna know the truth. Said jaylen smiling ear to ear.

Wait what the fuck you mean by that shit? Asked August

Well I was the look out nigga for when she had that baby they paid me to find out where she at. Said jaylen

Nigga what the fuck is wrong with you!!! That's the girl I love bruh no matter what the fuck we go through ima still do for her and you if all people is suppose to be my boy why in the fuck would you set her up for the kill!!!! Yelled August

Cuz nigga I needed the money to pay for my next semester. Said jaylen

Nigga you fucked up for that one all for a few fuckin dollars to pay for your dumb ass school. You a grimy ass nigga and you not gonna ever be shit in life because you a hoe ass nigga!!!! I'm dine with you for good you sold the women I love out to get killed for a few dollars!!! Yelled August

Well life happens like that my nigga that's how the game is played sometimes you win some and you lose some. Little did you fuckin know nookie was my brother same daddy different mamas. Said jaylen

Nigga what??!!! Said August

Yea nigga you didn't know that but now you do!!! That bitch had to go bruh it might be to late by the time you make it to the projects. Laughed jaylen

He really set her up I can't believe this shit bruh. Plus I damn sho did t know that was his fuckin brother. Thought August as he catches the bus to head to the projects

Man this bus seems like it's moving in slow motion and it's already getting late as fuck the sun going down now. Said August to himself

As he hopped on the third bus for the day it was already 8pm and he was just making it to the 9 ward. As he makes it all the way to her apartment number it seem like the walk up there was moving in slow motion. As he makes it to the door it was already cracked open and he can hear a new born baby crying. That must be Antwone....

As he walks through the door he was see blood on the floor trailing from the front door all the way to the kitchen. He can see it was a struggle to say the least, he walks around to the kitchen and in the side of the cabinet lays Jariah mama on the floor with a gun shots two of them to the chest . One in the stomach and another to the head....

As I pick Antwone up to keep him Quite I get a sickness feeling to my stomach as I open up the bedroom door on the left hand side to find a Jariah covered in blood and her face recognizable to the eye. All I can do was put Antwone down in his car seat and cry my eyes out in the hallway as the women I loved was completely gone and there was no way of getting her back. I pulled myself together as Antwone beings to cry again I picked his diaper bag up and leave out the door I made an anonymous call to the police to let them know someone found two dead bodies In the 9ward projects. I leave the house with Antwone in my arms and caught the bus back home. Wondering what am I gonna do with the beautiful lil boy with big brown eyes he looks just like her I decided to do the right that and raise him as my own and never look back cause I know that's what Jariah would have wanted....

2 Years Later.....

Daddy daddy daddy daddy can we go to the wark??? Said Antwone

Yea pappa we can go to the park. Smile August looking at the Atlanta weather for the day.

It's kinda cold outside ok big boy we gotta but a lil jacket on you. Said August

Ok daddy I wanna wear my Gucci jacket and pants. Said Antwone

Ok I gotcha. Said August admiring how smart he was at only 2 years old.

I put my lil man on some clothes and we headed out the door to go to the park and start our day. Yea that's right y'all I moved outta New Orleans when Antwone made one I couldn't stay there in that environment no more it was nice while it lasted now that's always gonna be my city but sometimes you grow outta the bad shit to get to the good shit. Right now this is my good thing I moved to the city of Atlanta and I love it they got good schools out here for Antwone and I'm working at a law firm as an assistant it pays good as hell so it's better that being on the street seeking drugs. I'm not going back to my old life again. But not a day goes by to where I don't think about Jariah and the shit we could have became as a couple. BUT YOU WIN SOME AND YOU LOOSE SOME & THIS IS MY LIFE THE HARD WAY........

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