Chapter 11: What Am I Doing

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Man me and Jariah having been doing pretty good as far as dating goes and making money. But I still feel like she hiding something from me though I just don't know what it is. I wish she could just make things easier on me and tell me I mean we all have our demons and have to face up to them someday. But, until then I'll just sit back and watch her come to me.

Jariah what you doing? Yelled august from the living room.

Nothin baby I'm in the bathroom I'll be out in a minute. Said Jariah as she cleaned the coke up from her nose.

Ok come on nah we gotta be somewhere at a certain time and I don't wanna be late baby. Said August as he gets his jacket and heads for the door.

Look I'm right her see I told you I was coming. Smiled Jariah with her eyes halfway closed from the highness she got .

Baby you good? Asked August .

Yea baby I'm straight you ready to go? Smiled Jariah

Yea I'm ready.

Man I'm really glad that nookie let me borrow this car cuz a nigga was tired of walking to point a to point b. Now I don't know how long I can use that bitch but I'm run this hoe until there is no more gas. Nah but I'm glad I got my own shit now so I'm doing good for myself. I been making money and hustling and hard as a can to pay my bills and eat. Now I got Jariah begging ass money hungry ass all in my shit. Like nigga I don't mind giving but it's like if I give all my product to yo ass how and I gotta make money? It's like I love her and I care for her at some point but enough is enough and I'm gonna have a good sit down so we can talk about this shit.

Baby you ok? Asked Jariah

Yea I just got a lot in my mind right now that's all. Said August as he looked out the window trying not to bring up the situation.

Well you sho look mad to me what you booted up for my nigga what's your problem. Yelled Jariah

Look bruh I don't have s problem I'm not mad so chill the fuck out with all that yelling I'm not having it today. Yelled august

Nigga whatever you say you must be fuckin another bitch. Said Jariah with a side eye.

Man look ain't nobody fuckin nobody you need to chill with that stupid shit. If you really wanna know what my problem is it's actually yo ass. Yelled august annoyed .

Nigga you got me fucked up pull the damn car over. Yelled Jariah

Ok cool well my problem is with you Ever since I started coming up in the drug game it seems like you sho got your hand out a lot more now then you use when we first meet. Said August

Boy fuck You I'm not the bitch to fuck with and ain't nobody want shit from you homeless ass . If it wasn't for the drug game you would still be sleeping on the floor inside that damn gas station . So don't come at me with the bullshit like I'm the one begging you . If I wanted it bad enough I got plenty of other niggas I can get my shit from I just get from you cuz the shit free. Said Jariah slurring some of her words .

Bitch get the fuck out my car and I'm through with your wack nasty hoe ass when you come home your shit gonna be on the steps. Plus you acting like I don't know that you do powder. Bitch I know you do that shit in my house and I hear people talking In the streets so it's a lot of shit I heard I just don't know what's true or not. Said August 

Well look yea I am doing the shit but it ain't nothin I can't kick on my own. I then done it before. I know I can get better just give me a chance baby. Said Jariah with sad eyes

Look if you can keep that shit then we gonna be good I can help you baby you just gotta know how to ask for that shit. Said August

I can't help but to think how the fuck she got this way. Maybe her life was just as worse as mine and we both tryna make it out alive. But she gotta be able to let that shit go cause I refuse to get hooked on that shit right along with her. I mean I don't really love her like that but I care enough about her to help me get clean. My daddy and granddaddy was a junkie so I know what it looks like and she in that shut hard. I just hope I can get her clean before those demons ripe away her mind before it's to late....

Sorry For The Slow Update Just Got A New Job So Be Expecting Chapter 12 Sooner Tuan Later Thank Y'all 😍😍😍😍💯💯💯🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🔥🔥🔥🔥

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