Chapter 8: Ahead Of The Game

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Man everything been going ok so far hitting these blocks everyday sellin that work. But I also been texting Jariah and she seems pretty cool though I like her vibe. For some reason I feel like she holding something back though. I'm not gonna push the issue everything will come back up later in due time.

Jariah  POV:

Man I been texting that cute ass nigga August and he seem sweet. You know like he got a good heart just got caught up in the wrong shit like me.

Jariah I need you to give me some money for the light bill. Yelled her mother.

Mama I just have you money a few days ago to pay bills. Like what happened to that money? Asked Jariah

Girl I know you not fuckin questioning me like I'm some damn child. Remember bitch I'm the adult and I spend my money on what the fuck I what. You got me!! Yelled her mother

Yea I got you. Said Jariah

Whateva and next time you fuckin get smart with me yo black ass can leave my house. Yelled her mother in a drunk rage.

Ok . Said Jariah as she closes her door and go back to the bathroom.

Man everything seemed good on the outside of those doors. You know like kids with promising futures and shit. But life ain't no damn fairytale behind closed doors. Behind them bitches I shoot up all my feelings, dreams, goals and angry away. That's right I am a Heron addict. But In front of people you would think I got it all together.

A few years back we had money my step dad was working at a chemical plant making good money. We went live in the best neighborhood and I even went to a good school.Until one night my dad was shot at a night club on canal street. I guess you can say wrong place wrong time. After that everything went down hill from there. My mom lost the house we had so we had to move to the projects and she started drinking every night.

Ma I'm about to go for a walk I'll be back later!! Yelled Jariah

Yea ok and you betta not be out there fuckin them niggas either. If you do you betta Be bring some money I'm Cause Pusey ain't free around here. Yelled her mother .

Jariah gives her mom the side eye and proceed to walk out the door.

As I walk outside I was on a mission to find August cute ass. Not to mention I need to get me another fix before the day ends. Bruh cause when I tell you withdrawing is a absolute bitch. But I like August he cool ya know I just don't feel comfortable enough to tell him my secret. So until then it stays with me only I know how to control my demons.

Jariah: hey where you at?

August: I'm at the spot what's up?

Jariah: shid nothin much walking you way

August : aight cool see you then

30 minutes later

Hey boo wazzam? Said August with a smile.

Shit nothin I just decided to go for a walk. Smiled Jariah

Oh yea . Said August giving Jariah a weird look.

Why you giving me that look? Asked Jariah

Well don't you think it's kinda hot to be having this log sleeve shirt on? Asked August laughing.

Nigga how about you mind your business. Laughed Jariah

Yea nigga you right it is none of my damn business but if your ass catch a heat stroke I can't help you fam. Laughed August

Yea but I'm good ova here trust me don't worry about me. Smiled Jariah

So you got that work or what? Asked Jariah

Yea I got something but it ain't for you. Smiled August

Well how you know it ain't fa me unless I try it. Said Jariah

Look ma this is not what you want right here. I sell big shit now and I would hate for you to go down the wrong path with this shit ya heard. You a smart girl figure it out. Said August looking down the street.

Man whateva I ain't no damn child so don't treat like one. I mean if I don't get it from you I'm gonna get it from someone else ya feel me. So regardless my nigga I'm gonna be good. Yelled Jariah as she walks down the street.

Say what's good bruh you got something for me? Asked the crackhead

Yea bruh I got just what you need right here. Said August as he made the exchange.

Ok cool so you gonna be workin this corner from now on? Asked the crackhead

Yea son I gotcha. Said August as he walks away and heads down the next street over.

Bruh I'm makin Some Good ass bank so far. All together I saved up like 1,000 so far. I wanna get my a lil spot or a car already but muthafucks what deposit , and rent right at the gate. Right now I ain't really got enough for that shit. So ima just lay low at the gas station and rack up.

It's getting dark as fuck outtcha I need to make my way back on the other side of town before oh girl boss pop up. Fuck it ima just catch the bus cause that's a long ass walk and I don't have time. As I'm sitting on the bus this lil chocolate girl with big brown eyes come sit next to me she must have been 3 years old.

Hey I like your shoes. Smiled the lil girl.

Thank you mama I like your Elsa shirt. Smiled August

Thank you so much. Said the lil girl proud to have her shirt on.

What's your name pretty girl? Asked August

I'm Jamie what's your name? Asked the lil girl.

I'm August nice to meet you. Smiled August.

No problem you smell like outside you stink. Said the lil girl with a weird face expression.

Well you smell like pee nah go sit back by ya mama witcha mean ass. Said August smacking his lips.

I mean I love kids. But if you don't teach your kids to respect adults that's where I have a problem. So I look over as the lil girl go sits by her mom. I can clearly see she's fucked Up On something she can barely keep her eyes open. Plus it look like she pissed on herself. I see why the lil girl look that way she do. She go a crackhead for a mama.

Once I make it big and get out this drug business and start having a family of my own. I promise to never let my kids or family see me strugglin and that's on god bruh. Thought August as Jariah crossed his mind.

I would text Jariah but the way she acted today on the corner made me look at her different. I hope she not on the stupid shit to bruh. She too pretty for that shit any nigga would be lucky to have her. If she on that bullshit then I can't fuck with her. BUT THATS THE LIFE OF A STREET NIGGA NEVA GET YOUR FEELINS INVOLVED CAUSE YOU NEVA KNOW WHAT TYPE OF SHIT YOU RUNNIN INTO....💯💯💵

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