Chapter 14: Love & Losses

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So after the lil sexual show down I had with my drug dealer things have been looking up for the kid. I even got a part time gig seeking weed on the side. I detoxed the shit outta myself if anybody tell you that's shit is easy at home with no rehab help they a muthafuckin lie bruh. The cold sweats, vomiting , High ass fever, and diarrhea was a fuckin beast. I just knew that was a one time thang and I ain't going back to it. I know I lot of addicts say that but I mean it. I just don't want my brother lookin down on me in heaven and seein I just threw my life away like that I can't disappoint him.

Say what's good bruh? Said August

Shid nothin my nigga livin life bruh that's all. Said August friend jaylen

Yea I here you my nigga. So what's word on the street everything good? Asked August

Shit nooo son nigga you ain't here they had a drug deal gon bad and that nigga nookie got shot the fuck up. They say it was a whole big mess on Canal Street bruh. Said jaylen

Damn bruh so that nigga dead or what? Asked August

Yea son he done fa. Said jaylen

Damn bruh that's fucked Up ya heard me. But shut the streets on New Orleans must gon on baby. Speaking of that we still goin by yo mama house for the Mardi Gras party? Asked August

Yea nigga we still on for Mardi Gras and the only reason to black ass wanna Come is Cuz it's free food nigga. Laughed jaylen

Nigga hell yea yo mama can throw down when she want to. Laughed August

Yea we she not full of that coke she can do any fuckin thang she puts her mind to. Laughed both of the boys.

Look you wanna go down to this new place and grab a bite to eat I'm hungry as fuck. Smiled August

Yea son let's go nigga who payin me or you? Asked jaylen laughing

Nigga I stay with the money yo ass the one always broke. Laughed August as they make it to the restaurant.

Yea whateva nigga but look I got some news for you my nigga. Said jaylen

Oh yea what's that? Asked August

I heard Jariah pregnant bruh. Said jaylen Looking our the window and into the street.

Oh yea well nigga I know it ain't for me we broke up months ago. Stated August

Yea nigga you right it's not for you word on the street is it's for nookie and they say she was apart of the whole set up that happens on Canal street bruh. Said jaylen

No huh I know you fuckin lien nigga. Said August

No bruh on god nigga that's how it went down I'm tellin you what I heard. Said jaylen

Damn son well I mean shit I can't put it past her it sound like some shit she would do. Laughed August

Yea but that's not my problem or yours so nigga we good ova here ya heard me. Laughed both the boys as they reminisce on the good ol times they had when they where kids.

Jaylen that's my nigga bruh I been knowing him since we was in middle school. I can always count on him to come through for me and always tell me the truth. Rather it was the good, bad or the ugly and his mom been on drugs for years since we was kids. Shit to be honest I don't think I would recognize her if she was clean. But overall today was a chill day. Now that whole baby thang on the other hand with Jariah that's really not my business nor my problem all I can say is she better watch her back. Cuz if she did set him up for the kill them boys gonna come after her ass deeper than the ocean in that bitch. But a part of me what's to take the baby out of the equation cuz I would hate for a innocent life to get taken behind that bullshit.

6 hours later...

Say bruh you got the green or what? Said some random guy that walks up

Yea I do what you need a gram? That's $10 my nigga. Said August

As I make the exchange I can here police cars in the distance so I move around and relocate to protect myself from getting caught.

Hey stranger I haven been seeing you around where you been? Asked Jariah out of nowhere

Hey what's good and I just been chillin why you need something? Asked August

No I just wanted to talk to you. Said Jariah

Ok about what? Asked August annoyed.

Well I wanted to to talk about us. Said Jariah

What us? There is no us? So you think just cause you pregnant that's means we was gonna get back together so I can help you take care of nookie baby? Fuck outta here bruh look I just got back on my feet I don't have time for the bullshit bruh please miss me with it. Said August

Yea I am pregnant but I know we can work I'm clean now. Said Jariah with tears in her eyes.

Now nigga you only clean because you got pregnant and you don't want CPS to take that baby away. Not because you want to her back together with me. Plus word on the street is you set nookie up for the kill on Canal street I'll advice you to walk the straight and borrow from now on until you have this baby. I'm letting you know now when you drop that baby they comin for your head my girl. Said August telling her the truth she didn't want to hear

Yea I know I fucked up but look can you do me this one favor cuz I know once I have him I won't have long until they find me August. Can you look out for my baby boy? Once I have him he's gonna be at my mama house in the 3ward projects door number 327. Please August that's all I ask of you? Said Jariah as she being to cry.

Yea I'll look out for him I promise Jariah I won't let him grow up in these streets lost like I did I promise you that. Said August as he rubbed her belly.

Thank you so much. When I got into hiding and get my shit together I'm coming back for him. Said Jariah as tears roll down her face.

Yea I know so did you pick a name for him yet? Asked August

Yea Antwone David Johnson. Smiled Jariah as she walks away on bourbon street.

I love the name. Yelled August as he know that was gonna be one of the last times he sees her again...

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