Chapter 10: Money Dont Pay For Everything

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Sorry for the slow update I had a lot going on at the time I'm about to graduate medical assistant here I come😂😂🤗🤗

So as I come from Miami from making this drop everything went good as usual. But for some strange reason I can't shake the feelin I'm being watched. But for the most part the money looked good so I'm off to this nigga house to make this drop.

Hey what's up nookie home? Asked August

No he just left but you can't wait inside if you want. Said the helper

Ok cool thank you.

So you want something to drink or straight?

Nah I'm straight but thank you though. Said August.

As August sat in the living room he just looked around and admiring the beautiful house hoping one day he could get something as nice as that one day.

Man if I come out good on this drop ima get me an apartment I'm tired of sleeping on the floor at the gas station that shit fuckin up my back. Thought August as he see nookie walk in the front door.

He young blood what's up. Said nookie with a smile.

Shit nothin much makin this money . Laughed August.

Yea nigga I know that's right so what we looking at in the bag? Said nookie

Shit at least a $100,000. So we should be good. Said August

Ok cool so let me count it and I'll give you your cut. Then we can talk bigger business. Said nookie

As I watch him count the money I could just hear my name ringing in the streets as one of the most poppin niggas In the drug game ya heard me. But I hope I can keep it up and not get the fuck caught. Cuz if I do ima fuck myself up and my money right now I can't fuck Up neither one.

Looks good blood. Said nookie as he brakes him off 50 racks for a job done well.

Ok cool so what's the big business we need to talk about? Asked August.

Well you still wanna sell weed or the strong shit full time? Asked nookie

Well I wanna keep selling the good shit. Smiled August

Ok cool so ima give you a back pack full of crack rock and let's see how well you do. Come back to me in 3 weeks. Said nookie

Ok cool i gotcha my nigga. Said August with confidence.

Ok here ya go blood and make me proud and most off all some damn good money. Laughter nookie

Yea ight I gotcha cuz you know a broke nigga neva sleep. Said August as he heads out the door with the product in his hand.

Now the crackheads' be lurkin on the west bank but ima hit up bourbon at night and that's where the good sells come in at. Cuz the have people coming all the around the world to come visit the great city of New Orleans. But one thing they forgot is that the streets get real as fuck. The muyhafuckas that visit this bitch they luck cuz they get to leave the muthafuckas like me gotta fight to leave and that's the only bad thing about it.

One day I will get enough of the bullshit and leave. But for now for now I'm keep starvin and coutine to find ways to eat. NOW THAT SHIT RIGHT THERE IS THE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS BABY SO JUST LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL & SEE IF YOU MAKE IT OUT ALIVE....

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