Chapter 5: The Survivor

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Bruh it's hot as fuck outtcha. But I been gettin it on these streets everyday for the past week. I still been givin ol girl her weed and sleepin at the gas station. Everything seem ok but I ain't really making no money like I want to with this weed shit. I'm really ready to play with the big dogs bruh.

Say daddy what's good you got that work? Said Jariah

Yea I do what's good ? Asked August

I just need a gram I'm good bruh. Said Jariah

Ok cool I gotcha. Smiled August

As the trade transpired they locked eyes. August thought she was the cutest thing he ever seen. He was hoping to see her again though . I mean I ain't really knocking here for smoking weed just as long as she not doing nothin else I'm good. I hope I run into her fine ass again though. So it's time for me to make this drop to nookie which I gotta walk my dumb ass to the big ass house. Fuck a nigga need a car my feet gonna fall off soon .

Wazzam son!! Said nookie

Shit nothin much chillin bruh I been good tho. Said August with sweat stains under his arms.

Yea nigga I see that you sweatin yo ass off. Laughed nookie

Nigga yea it's hot as fuck outtcha bruh I'm damn near dead. Laughed August.

Look bruh come inside let's see how much work you been puttin in my nigga. Said nookie.

I been getting it son. Said August as he put the money on the table from the week.

So nookie put out his money counting machine. That's when shit hits the fan.

Why the fuck am I comin up short? Asked nookie with the vein poking out his neck as he yelled.

You came up short? How much? Asked August with sweat runnin down his forehead.

Muthafucka don't play me like I'm crazy bitch I been doing this shitbefore you was bored nigga. So I'm pretty sure I know when I'm coming the fuck Up short!!!! Yelled Nookie

Ok look I was givin the girl some weed for free that let me stayed at the gas station at night. Said August with fear in eyes.

So you givin my shit away from free my nigga? What the fuck you think this is nigga a free weed giveaway in New Orleans. Yelled nookie

Nah bruh I just need somewhere to lay my head bruh I don't have a choice. Yelled August

I get that nigga put you can't be givin product away for free like that. This ain't no fuckin candy shop bitch. But I got somethin betta fa ya. Yelled nookie

As soon as I turned around to head towards the door nookie pulls out a gun and shoots towards the door. Missing me by inches. I was scared as fuck for one I didn't want to die. Two I knew I fucked up and I should have told him from jump street instead of hiding it. Damn I really fucked myself up with this one. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck Bruh.

I'm not gonna kill you my nigga you work for me now. Plus I'm not about to waste my bullets on yo dumbass. Said nookie putting his gun away.

Ok. Said August as he turns around with a fearful look in his eyes .

You gonna make this drop . Since you wanna do big boy work ima show you how it works. Said nookie as he pulls out a duffle bag full or cocaine.

Ok I gotcha. Said August as his eyes widen in excitement.

Look you make this drop and we gonna be good. Then you might can slang big shit nah ya heard. Said nookie with a smile.

Ok cool but how I'm gonna get there ya heard me I ain't got no car. Said August

Well you can use one of the cars we got in the back. Said nookie

What time I gotta be at the drop? Asked August

Be there for 8pm and don't be late. Said nookie with a stern look.

Ok I gotcha. Said August as he drives away.

Bruh I hope my black ass don't get pulled the fuck over. Cause I ain't got no license, a ID and I got this shit sittin in the back. Ima fa sho go to jail bruh. But oh well fuck it I gotta take this chance and prove myself cause of the fuck Up I made. ALL THINGS DEADLY COME WITH A COST YOU JUST GOTTA BE WILLING TO PAY THAT BITCH.....

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