Chapter 12: The Devil Riding My Back

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Why is is that niggas always want something for nothing. Like nigga if I give my product away fir free to every crackhead I would make no money. Fuck outta here bruh we all gotta eat. Now, in the other hand Jariah been doing good getting clean and staying off that shit. She been 1 week clean and doing good. I just hope that shut last cause I would hate to do this shit for nothin. But at the same time I wish I was in here shoes just to see what she went through and what drove her to start doing that shit in the first place.

Hey baby how was your day? Asked Jariah

It was good the streets was busy as fuck today cause everybody and they mama getting ready for Mardi Gras. Said August

Oh ok cool well you should have made a lot of sells today right? Asked Jariah

Shit yea I mean I came out pretty decent today but it was hot as fuck outside bae so I came back in I'm gonna go back out tonight though. Said August

Well that's good. Said Jariah with a smile.

So what did you do all day? Shit! Asked August

Yea I mean I clean up a lil and chill most of the day until you came home. Said Jariah

Damn bae for real cause nigga this house still look nasty as fuck from when I left it this morning . Said August shaking his head at the dirty kitchen with roaches covering the kitchen counter.

Bae I tried to clean up you know I been sick going through my withdraws give me a chance. Said jairah

Yea bae you right. But just to say you going through withdraws you handling that shit good as a muthafucka most niggas be sick to they stomach throwing up and shittin everywhere . Said August laughing.

Yea well what can I say I handle my business gracefully and in private nobody and they mama will see me weak. Smiled Jariah

Yea that's right but look ima about to go hit the shower yo ass wanna join me? Asked August in a playful way.

I would love to but I'm gonna run to the store and then come back and clean the rest of this nasty ass kitchen up. Said Jariah getting anxious.

Well ok then maybe next time. Well when you come back I'm gonna be sleep so don't wake me up if my phone ring let that bitch ring I'm tired as fuck. Said August

Ok bae will do did you want something from the store? Asked Jariah

No bae I'm good. Said August as he walks to the back of the house to go lay down .

20 minutes later...

Man I'm so glad I got my heroin fix I needed so badly today. That's why I couldn't clean the fuckin house cuz I was liking to buy some more drugs before August ass got back. Then he had the nerve to point the shit out about how nasty the house look. Well if he wanted the bitch clean he could have done the bitch his damn self. Said Jariah talking out loud In The living room while walking to the kitchen.

Man I walk into the bathroom to get my door bag. I proceed to take everything I need out of the bag to shoot up. Y'all really don't understand the high it gives me its like you can do anything and you the strongest most powerful person in the room. It's like your untouchable nobody can walk in your shoes when your in this shit... well maybe the devil can.

As I get up to use the bathroom I smell something strong as fuck like nail polish remover or some kind of chemical that hair was strong as fuck bruh. Though August

Baby open up I gotta pee. Said August knocking On the door.

I'm comin hol' Up . Said Jariah slurring her words.

Man what the fuck is you doin in here I told you I had to take a piss. Said August as he bust open the bathroom door to use the restroom.

Bruh what the fuck is you doin. Yelled Jariah

No the better question is what the fuck is you doin so your shootin Up now fuck outta here bruh. Yelled August

Baby look I'm tellin you this shit can do things to you no one else can imagine take this ride with me baby I promise it's worth it. Said Jariah

Bruh what the fuck is wrong with you that's it I want you outta my fuckin House you fuck junkie I can't take this shit. I help ya Black ass get cleaned and this is what you do get the fuck out Jariah !!!! Screamed August

Ok fine I'll go you wasn't a real ass nigga anyway fuck you. Yelled Jariah before closing the door behind her.

As I sit on the bathroom floor crying my eyes out cause I thought she was the one for me. I really thought I could show this girl a better life and we can be good. But she fucked over me and lied about it. As I look down I can see the needle laying next to the toilet with a lil bit of heroin left in it. So to my surprise I pick it up and shoot myself up. I did say I wished I knew what it would be like to be in her shoes so now ima find out. I MEAN SHIT WHAT ELSE DO I HAVE TO LOOSE NOBODY GAVE A FUCK ANYWAY SO I MIGHT AS WELL TAKE THIS RIDE THE DEVIL GOT PLANNED FOR ME & ENJOY EVERY DROP CUZ ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME FOR MY SINS GOOD, BAD, & UGLY.....

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