Chapter 2

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   Flo wakes up next to her dad xdxd.

"Dad? Whatcha doing here?"

"IDK, I got kekked because I kept being in the kkk and I dabbed on It's Everyday Bro guy.

"You're part of the KKK? Me too! We hate faggots, we hate Jews, and we hate spics! We hate their filthy bums! MAKE A STAND, JOIN THE CLAN, WHITE POWER!" shouted Dylan Klebold, as he pistolwhipped Stephanie with his nae nae KEK(6)9.

"Let's go get a root beer y'all!" shouted Michael.

"Alright, let me pay for it with this bitcoin kek 9 (DONT worry it hasn't been nerfed so it's like 6999999999 bitcoins still xdxd.)" suggested Klebold.

"But I'm underage..." said Stephanie, who immediately gets pistolwhipped by Klebold again.


"Do you want me to rape a tree...?" Stephanie asked.

"Oh hell no... fuck the root beers."

"Let's just play phantom Forces all day and get to rank 420 by using the OP an94 strats (shoutout to Sam xdxdxd)" klebold suggested.


"Yes, Flo?"

"I don't like root beer. I also don't like mangoes, too."

Suddenly, Mitchell, Patterson, and every single US Marine in the camp ran into the dungeon.


Then the spirit of Lil Peep showed up and yelled "MANGOES?!?!! I made a rap about those..."

"Can ya rap it for us pl0x?" Stephanie asked.

"Ok esketit" peep responded.

"Oooo oooo ooo ooo oooo ooo oooooooo *moaning noises in spanish* ooooo ooo lil peep lil Jeep slit ur wrists eat ur shit xdxd be an emo and listen to rock, my spirit lives on and so does my cock! *more moaning noises* lil peeeeeeep, ayo lil jeeeeeep, ay feed her some cocaine, make her go insane, fuck her in the ass and make her moan away, get her hard enough to make her wane, end her pain, snort more cocaine and be a... lil peep, in a lil Jeep, keep moaning now y'all! Oiiiii oiiii oiii ehhhh uhhhh ooofffff oof euhhhhh."

Everyone applauded for Lil Peep, and then Elton John showed up with a piano and made everyone do the Cancan.

Napoleon was mad. He was furious. He was fast and furious. Because he was drag racing with Vin Diesel LOL xdxd.

Napoleon needed to find a way. He needed to find De Wae (dead meme xdxd). De wae to nuke America and restore his honour (REDNECKS YEEHAW GIDDY UP NIBBERS).

As he searched for possible solutions, he got a phone call from Big Shaq.

"What's good big man? Still not hot? SKRAAAA POP POP KAAAA" asked Big Shaq.

"Bad, and no. I'm real hot now. In all honesty, I need help. I got robbed of everything. My army, my rapping skills (nibbas stiffy uh, bet she lick my dicky uh) even my slave rappers (snoop dogg was a cotton slave xdxd). I need someone to show me my place in all of this."

Suddenly Kylo Ren flew onto the screen shirtless. "REEEEEE FINALLY IT'S MY TURN TO HELP." However, he ended up flying too far and ended up blowing up the keem star.


Meanwhile, Big Shaq continued his conversation with Napoleon.

"Mans, I've got you, big man, skrrrr AHHHH *more unnecessary british monkey screeches* You should check my boi asznee and da statistics big man"

"Thing is, Big Shaq, I already checked him out. He's too fat. He died on his first day of slavery par les diabetes. He ate too much of sam's CONTRABAND CANDY1!1!1" (Note the Sam and mme Murray and grade 7 reference xdxd + late grade 8 reference xdxd)

"Mans, the only guy I know that you haven't turned to slavery is Kanye West (pooptitty scoop, scoop didi woop, poop di scoop do woop) and man's not poor xdxd."

"Kanye West? Isn't he Jay-Z's adopted daughter?"

"Yeah, that's him. Man's not poor, man's not smart though. Skraaaa?"

"Where can I find him?"

"He's in Paris, performing a concert with GAY Z."

Napoleon knew what he had to do. Paris was his "continent". (Big up nick crompton xdxd)

"Thanks Shaq," Napoleon hanged up the phone. He then shouted at his fellow decepticons- er, I mean frenchies, to transform and blast off.

Unfortunately, they crashed into Enzogaming11 (MIDGET ETHAN XDXDXD) on the way.

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