Chapter 2

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I really didn't want to be here, I'm already not the type of person to be at a party so this won't be very fun for me. Maddie and I walked around saying hello to some of our friends and of course Maddie made me talk to boys.

"I'm going to go see if there is water in the kitchen, want some?" Maddie asked me practically yelling over the people and music. "Sure why don't I just come with?" "No! It's fine I got it, go talk to people." She said winking at me before disappearing in to the crowd. I was talking to a boy from my science class but was interrupted when some girl walked up and started to make out with him. I looked down and simply walked away.

I decided to look for a door to the back yard to get some fresh air, hopefully Maddie can find me. Although I did talk to that guy for a while, where could she be? Realizing that there is no hope of me finding her I just walked outside. I took in a breath of fresh air. I sat down and rested my head on my hands.

We have like one week of school left and then it's summer. Usually I would be really excited, but I just know that Maddie is going to drag me to party after party. I mean it's sweet of her to try and help me but I don't care for all this party stuff. I'm perfectly fine sitting at home watching TV all day. I was snapped out of my thoughts when a couple boys walked outside. They were definitely drunk.

I was a little scared. I have had experience with drunk people though. My dad would go drink when he was stressed, then come home at like 2 AM drunk. My mom thought I didn't know but I could hear him stumbling up the stairs. My mom made him leave, it's just my mom and I now.

The boys were running around the back yard throwing drinks at each other and laughing hysterically. I just rolled my eyes and looked away. The boys then walked past me to go back inside but one of them had other plans.

He came up behind me and put his hands on my hips. I spun around to face him and tried to pull away but he only pulled me closer. I could smell the vodka all over him. "I don't think I've seen you at a party before?" He whispered with a smirk on his face. "Get off of me!"

I tried to yell but my voice came out weak, all honestly I was scared to death. "You're hot, why don't we go somewhere private?" His voice sent chills down my spine and my eyes widened in fear, tears threatening to spill. "No please just get off of me!" I yelled and my voice was a little louder than before. Then something happened I really didn't expect to happen.

"Dude get off of her!" I heard someone yell. Then the boy was ripped off of me and tackled to the ground. This mystery boy punched him a few times leaving his nose bloody. "Alright dude, chill!" The disgusting boy yelled as he ran back inside. I stood there in shock and by now I was crying. The boy walked up to me and I finally saw who it was, Hayes Grier.

"Are you okay? Did he touch you?" He asked sounding really concerned. I didn't respond for a second because I was still so freaked out. His bright blue eyes stared into mine. "Umm yeah and no he didn't" was all I was able to choke out. I was still crying and probably looked really weak right now. I tried to wipe some tears but they wouldn't stop. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug. "Shhh it's okay." He comforted me. "Thank you." I managed to say. "Let's go inside." He never let my hand go as we walked back into the booming house.

We walked into the kitchen and he grabbed me a bottle of water, "thanks." "You're welcome, sorry about James, he's an asshole." "Yeah, that's for sure." I have never actually talked to Hayes. I mean he is known for always getting in trouble but right now he seems like the sweetest guy ever. We are in the same science class but we never talk and I never really notice him. He is usually skipping class or just not paying attention and staying quiet in the back of the class.

"You're Brooke right?..." "Yeah, and you're Hayes." "Yep, that's me. Not to be rude or anything but why are you here? You don't seem like the party type." "Yeah I came here with my friend Maddie, she dragged me here." We both let out a small laugh.

We were both just looking at each other, I've never payed much attention to him but wow he is really cute. It was pretty awkward because we both just stood there not saying anything. James walked into the kitchen holding a rag to his face. I shifted uncomfortable as his eyes looked me up and down. Hayes must've noticed this because he put his arm around me to I guess comfort me. James just rolled his eyes, grabbed another drink and walked out.

Hayes winked at me and I could only hope that my face wasn't turning as red as a strawberry. "I should probably find Maddie..." I said starting to look around. "She was supposed to find me like half an hour ago." "Okay well I guess I will see you in school?" Hayes said rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, see you around!" I walked off feeling pretty proud of myself for talking to a boy.

I spotted Maddie chatting with some friends. I was a little ticked because if she didn't leave me I probably wouldn't have run into James. "Maddie!" "Oh he B!" Maddie slurred her words... was she drunk? I grabbed her cup and set if down on the table. "Maddie come on we need to go!" "Awww come on let's have some fun!" "M, you're drunk let's go right now!" I shouted over her. "Fine, you're no fun!"

I grabbed the car keys from Maddie's purse and hopped in, she has to stay at my house tonight, like she said her parents would kill her if they knew she was drinking. As I pulled out of the driveway I noticed someone sitting outside on the porch, Hayes. He was alone and didn't look very happy.

"Hold on Maddie, don't go any where." I stepped outside and walked over to him. "Hey, you okay?" I asked the boy that practically saved my life only half an hour ago. "No, my so called friends left me here." He said playing with the hem of his shirt. "I can take you home... if you want?" "Really? That would be great!"

Maybe this night isn't going as bad as I thought it would be.

Authors Note(I hope y'all like it so far! I will try and update as much as possible(: I hope this is longer than the last chapter!)

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