Chapter 8

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We got in the car and started driving to James' house. It was silent until I decided to speak up. "If you don't mind my asking..." I begin. "You want to know about my mom right?" "Yeah." He kept his eyes fixated on the road.

"Cancer, some rare brain tumor." I closed my eyes as my heart shattered again, holding back tears. "Oh gosh, I'm so so s-sorry."

"It's okay, she has had it since I was a baby." He said gripping the steering wheel.

"Why doesn't she stay at the hospital?" I ask hoping I'm not crossing any lines.

"Well since she has had it for so long, we know every treatment she has to get everyday so the nurse comes by once or twice a day to do that. There isn't a need for her to stay at a hospital." I nod.

"Well, again, I'm really sorry." "Stop apologizing Brooke, it's not your fault." He said with a chuckle.

We pulled up to James' house and sat in the drive way. We both just sat there staring at each other, we do that a lot.

"Umm, so yeah thank you Hayes, I-" I was cut off by Hayes grabbing my face and kissing me.

At first I was shocked, but I was so intrigued, I just let it happen. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me on to his lap, never breaking the kiss.

I was now sitting on top of him in the drivers seat. This is so not like me, was all I could think. At the same time I didn't care, Hayes was like a drug to me.

He rubbed his hands up and down my sides as I grabbed his face pulling him closer to me. We were both out of breath but we couldn't stop.

He lifted my shirt over my head, totally forgetting we were in a car in the middle of some guys driveway. Brooke, stop it, this isn't you.

"Hayes." I spoke out of breath placing my hands on his chest. "Yeah?" He said running his hand through my hair.

"We... just shouldn't do that now, or here." I said looking down. "Oh.... yeah." He lifted me off his lap in to the passenger seat, and I out my shirt back on.

He sat there not saying anything, just staring straight ahead. Did I make him mad? "Hayes, did I do something wrong." His face softened as he turned towards me.

"No, of course not. It's just that." He sighed, struggling to get the words out. "Brooke, I think I really like you. I know we don't really know each other, but I would like to get to know you."

I sat there just smiling. "I would love to get to know you hayes." He smiled like a five year old at Christmas. "I will text you!" He exclaims. "Okay."

I started to get out of the car and I stopped before completely getting out. I turned around and grabbed Hayes' face and kissed him again. "Okay, bye!" I yelled giggling, leaving him with a giddy smily on his face.

I started my car and drove home. Now I have to face mom.

I walked inside very slowly. "BROOKE?" Crap.

"Hey mom." "Where the hell were you?!" "I'm sorry, after the party I was really tired so I slept at Maddie's. "I called them, they said you weren't there." Crap, no no no no.

"Ummm I left before they woke up, I'm sorry mom, I should've called but I was so tired."

"Okay, but next time you have to call me, the only reason you're off the hook is because this is the first time this has happened."

"Thank you mom, I'm so sorry." "It's fine, I'm just glad you're safe." She pulled me into a hug before going back into the living room.

I ran upstairs into my room. I closed my door and slid my back down. I smiled and touched my lips. He kissed me.


she kissed me, she actually kissed me. I couldn't get the image of her on top of me in the car out of my head.

I drove back home and walked into my room. I looked up from my phone and jumped back startled. "Nash, why are you in my room?"

"Little bro, you have explaining to do." He said smirking. "Nothing happened....last night." "Oh, but something did happen?" He said raising his eyebrows.

I looked down trying to hide my blushing cheeks." "Hayes?... Tell me!" He said throwing me onto the bed. "Fine!"

"Okay so, I was taking her back to James' house to get her car, because I took her here last night because she was drunk. We were just sitting there and I kissed her. Then I pulled her on to my lap and we made out."

I left out the taking off her shirt part. That was extremely awkward to tell my older brother.

"Poo bear!" Nash teased. "Shut up!" "Hahah, I'm just messing with you kid. So you like her?" He smirked

"Well yeah." "She's hot." "Nash!" I smacked his arm. "Hah! I love making you mad. You better make a move before I do." He teased as he left my room.

I have to ask her out.

Authors note: I got serious feels writing this.😂 Just want to clear this up incase anyone thinks that, Brooke IS NOT my name. I just like that name! I hope this is a good chapter, I love it 😍 hahah

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