Chapter 6

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I bent down so I was eye level with Brooke as she sat on the bed. I looked into her eyes and placed my hands on her knees. "Brooke, tell me what happened?" She let out a big sigh. "My dad would get drunk and when he came home sometimes he would hit me.... it's nothing big." "Brooke, that is a big deal." "It doesn't matter, he doesn't live with us anymore." "I'm sorry Brooke." She looked extremely tired, I mean she just had alcohol for the first time and she's drunk. She looked like she was about to fall over she was so tired.

Just then I heard sirens, I peeked my head up. Just then my friend Bryce flung the door open. "Dude the police are here we gotta go." "Shit." I mumble under my breath. "Brooke we need to go." I look back to her and she has laid down. Her eyebrows are furrowed in confusion even though she is sleeping. I felt so bad for her, I was so awful to her, and she has already been through a lot. "Ummm dude, we really need to go." Bryce said awkwardly. "Oh yeah, um okay, I'm coming."

Someone probably complained about the noise, but there is alcohol here so we are screwed now. I had to get here out of here, I would never forgive myself if she got into trouble. I picked her up bridal style and walked her outside to my car. "Oh my gosh Brooke?!" I turn around to see Maddie, about time her "friend" showed up. "Shhhh!" I whisper yell. I look down at Brooke and see her turn her head into my chest. "What happened?" Maddie asked with wide eyes. "She's drunk off her ass is what happened."

"Oh gosh I screwed up." Maddie slaps her forehead. "Let's just get her out of here." I suggest while unlocking my car door. "What about Brooke's car?" Maddie questions. "I will take her to get it tomorrow." I lay Brooke down in the passenger seat and Maddie gets in the back. Maddie was giving me directions to her house and other than that it was dead silent until Maddie spoke up. "Hayes, thank you so much. I was so stupid I can't believe I let her get drunk." She put her head in her hands. "It's okay, I don't think Brooke would've listened to you, besides it's my fault I was a jerk."

"Hayes if you tell her this I will kill you, but Brooke likes you. She really does, and if you are a bad influence on her I will hurt you." "Really? She does?" I look over at her beautiful face as she sleeps. "I mean she could just be going through some phase where she thinks she wants a bad boy or something but I don't know." I chuckle at Maddie. "You know, I'm not that bad." I shot back at her. "Okay what ever you say."

"Thanks for the ride Hayes." Maddie says as she gets out of the car. "No problem." "Thank you, for taking care of her and being nice. Let's keep it that way."

She laughs and smiles, "I plan to." I laugh back at Maddie. "Bye! Have a good summer!" She yells as she runs towards her house.

I pull into my driveway and go over to the passenger side of the car. I pick up Brooke and pull her our carefully. She lets out a whimper. "Shhhh, it's okay." I plant a soft kiss on her forehead.

I walk up the stairs into my room and lay her down on the bed. "Hayes?" She sits up. "Yeah?" I question sitting down next to her. "Thank you." "For what?" "For not being an asshole tonight."

We both let out a small laugh. "You're welcome." I hold her head in my hands. "God you're beautiful." She looks down blushing. "Thanks." "Get some rest, okay?"

She nods her head as she gets under the blankets. I took off my shirt and shorts and was just in my boxers. I slipped in the bed. Brooke and I facing away from each other. It was dead silent until Brooke shifted in the bed towards me.

"Hayes, you know, I don't think you're bad at all." She says with her eyes still closed. "Thanks Brooke." "Does this mean anything? Like, for us?" She asks letting out a big sigh. "We can talk about us in the morning."

"Okay." She turns around and drifts to sleep. I hope I don't screw this up.

Authors note: I have over 200 reads, ahhh😱 I hope you guys enjoy this(: comment whatcha think! Hope everyone is having a good summer!😘

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