Chapter 4

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I woke up slowly, got dressed and did my hair. Maddie had texted me a billion times about how excited she was to be done with school. Is it bad I just wanted to see Hayes? I just can't seem to shake this stupid crush of mine. I don't even know him, for all I know he could be psycho or something. Forget it Brooke, just leave it. I told myself as I drove to school.

When I walked in papers were being thrown and kids were yelling, but class hasn't even started. I saw Maddie among the crowd but the only thing on my mind was Hayes.

Then I spotted the blue eyed dare devil, standing alone, not even with any friends? I was confused but also saw an opportunity. As I approached him I noticed he didn't look happy, at all. "Hey." I said quietly with concern in my voice. "Hi." He replied barely looking up. "Um what's up?" My voice came out small and weak. "Listen Brooke, I helped you and it was a one time thing, just leave me alone." With that he slammed his locker and left. Leaving me confused and hurt. I rolled my eyes and went off to class.


I couldn't be happier when the last bell of the day rang, make that last bell of the year. Schools out for summer and I extremely happy, besides the face that Hayes is a big jerk. Now I have to go to a party and face him. "Hey girl!" Maddie comes up hooking her arm around my neck. "Hey." I reply coldly. "Okay, spill, what's wrong?" Maddie said knowing something was wrong.

"It's Hayes he..." Maddie cut me off, "B, forget him! He is being a jerk. We are going to a party tonight! Let's have fun!" Maddie yelled throwing her hands in the air. Maybe she is right, I should forget and just have a good time. I'm tired of being the predictable girl. Maybe it's time for a change.

I put on a dress that Maddie picked out, of course, and it was definitely different but that's the point. I curled my long hair and did my makeup, but a bit more bold. "Okay M I'm ready!" "You look great!" Maddie jumps up and down like a five year old while I just laugh at her. "Let's bounce." Maddie says while grabbing my wrist and pulling me out the door.

When we walked through the door I had my game face on. I had to prove to people I was more than a goodie goodie. I could feel the eyes on me, people had noticed my sudden outburst. Then Maddie hands me a cup, I look down at it skeptical, "screw it." I mumble to myself before downing the sour substance that burns my throat.

With every sip I think of every frustration. Hayes, my dad, my foolishness. For one night I'm going to be rebellious, I think I'm gonna like it.

Authors note: hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while! This is pretty short...I hope you guys like this chapter, next chapter I plan to have some of it in Hayes' point of view! I also hit over 100 reads! ILY

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