|Chapter Two| Takashiro (Name): Beginning - Part Two

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I awoke on a couch, the memories of last night instantly flashing back. I sat up with a jolt, and soon was met with red eyes. I recognized them as the boy's eyes from last night; the boy who killed my father. He was staring down at me with an eerie grin that sent chills down my spine.

"Oh, you woke up." He stated, still staring at me. I began to curl up into a small ball, wrapping my arms around my knees and burying my face in them. I could feel tears trickle down my cheeks as I silently sobbed. 'What are they going to do to me? Why am I here? Why did they have to kill Daddy?' I thought, shaking while doing so.

"Oh come on, you should be happy!" The boy chirped in an insanely manner. "After all, we saved you from those heroes!" Obviously, the boy didn't understand. That was my father he murdered in cold blood. And he didn't even regret it! That caused me to sob louder, the shaking becoming more violent.

"Uh, oh god, what am I supposed to do? Kurogiri, I think she's broken!" The boy shouted, and suddenly, someone else appeared in the room. "I believe she does not understand the role she now plays." I looked up from my knees to see a shadowy figure; not the same one from last night; standing beside the boy. His entire face and hands were entirely made of shadows, or some sort of dark matter.

My sadness melted into fear at the sight of him. Now I truly understood the severity of the situation. These were villains. They could kill me at any moment, and I was the child of heroes, so... "W-why did you spare me?" I asked in a quiet, shaky voice. They both turned to me. "Our leader decided that your quirk could be of service to us." The shadowy figure who I assumed to be Kurogiri replied. The boy just kept staring at me. "You aren't a hero, so I don't need to kill you, I think." He muttered.

A chill ran down my spine as I stared back at him. "Your gonna help us. We were told you're quirk was useful, so we'll use it. You don't have a choice." He told me, his red eyes boring into me. He jumped onto the couch in front of me, grabbing my hand with three fingers and getting close to my face. "So how do you use your quirk? I can easily destroy your hand if I put all five of my fingers down, so you'd better start talking."

I shivered. "I-I don't know!" I blurted out in fear. "It just happened, I don't know how to control it!" He looked at me in disbelief before sighing. "Kurogiri, she's definitely broken."

Kurogiri didn't make any response, and the boy continued to speak. "What did it do? You'd have to use it at least once, so you'd have to have an idea of what it is!" He shouted, and I became more scared. "Well..." I began, before being interrupted. "Speak up!" I gulped. Suddenly, it came to me. "I'm able to manipulate emotions, I think." I added the last part silently, and luckily, neither of them heard it.

"Well, that may prove useful after all." He smirked. I had no idea why. He leapt off the couch. "Let's test this out, shall we?" He asked, turning to me and grasping my hand with three fingers once more. He temporarily released me, before running off and grabbing something. Upon further inspection, I realized it was a hand. He placed it on his face before speaking. "Alright, Kurogiri. Let's go."

Kurogiri seemed to expand, and the boy pulled me into what seemed to be an expanded form of him. At first, I expected it to take a while, but we seemed to arrive much sooner than I expected. I looked around, noticing we were somewhere completely different. I didn't really have any time to take in my surroundings before the boy's three fingers wrapped around mine and took me off somewhere else. All of a sudden, we were peering into a window. I saw four men sitting at a table, and it seemed like they were counting money. The boy shifted beside me. "I want you to activate your quirk on them. Make them angry, then I won't have to get my hands dirty."

I knew he would do something bad if I didn't, but I still wasn't completely sure how to use my quirk. Last time I used it on my Dad, and I pictured him being extremely angry, so if I used it on them, I would just have to picture them as angry. The thought of them getting mad at each other filled my head, and the next thing I heard was the boy's laughter. I opened my eyes to see the men going at each other. As scared as I was, I knew I had to stay focused, or he'd hurt me.

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