|Chapter Fifteen| Cavalry Battle

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As Midnight began explaining the rules, as well as stating how the first place person had 1 million points on his head, I quickly decided the main person I wanted to be on a team with, that person of course bring Shinsou. The second Midnight finished, I spotted the lanky purple-haired boy, basically tackling him. "Hito-kun!" I smiled up at him. "I wanna join up with you!"

He had seemed a bit taken aback by my sudden appearance, but I noticed a faint pink hue on his face as I slowly released my hold on his arm. "Alright then, (Name). I was hoping you'd be on my team." A goofy smirk sat upon his face. "If you'd have joined anyone else, I'd brainwash you to join me instead." We shared a brief laugh, before setting off to find the other two members we needed for our team.

As we spotted a group of people who hadn't yet joined up, An excessively loud scream came from nearby. "Oi, crybaby. Join my fucking team." I turned to see Bakugou glaring in my direction. "I know you heard me dammit!" I felt Shinsou tense up beside me, feeling some sort of annoyance radiating off of him as he grabbed my hand, muttering something under his breath.

The blond stomped over towards us, and I looked up at him in both confusion and fear. "What, you fuckin deaf or something? I told you to join my team." I blinked twice before responding. "Um, I'm sorry, I'm already on a team." Shinsou then stood beside me smirking. Bakugou's eyes flashed down to me and then up at Shinsou glaring. "You wanna fuckin go?"

"Bold words coming from someone who's shorter than Jojo Siwa." Shinsou said, still smirking. Right as Bakugou was about to reply, he froze, and his eyes lost all of his anger. I looked over to Hitoshi. "You didn't." He just nodded. "You want him on our team?"

"I think he already has one." I responded, gently tugging Shinsou off towards one of the boys who I assumed to be in Class B, as well as the boy with the tail in my class.

~Short lil timeskip, just because~

Long story short, we had the other two members of our team, and the cavalry battle was about to begin. We did end up having to use Shinsou's brainwashing, and I did feel slighted guilty. I just hope they'd find it in their hearts to forgive us once we won. As the signal to start the match was set off, we immediately went off to the side. Shinsou and I had decided that we'd lay low and use his brainwashing to get lots of points at the very end. We did have a couple groups charge at us, but we ended up taking theirs while remaining fairly undetected. As the time continued to tick down, we watched mainly from the sidelines as Midoriya's group was facing both Bakugou and Todoroki's.

"Hey, it's time." Shinsou stated, and we made our way over to one of the Class B students group. Shinsou tapped their leader on the shoulder, quickly settling his brainwashing in place, and the boy handed us over the points. Finally, the round ended, and Present Mic began announcing the winners and who would be moving on. Luckily, we came in third place, nobody noticing that we took the spot right from under the boy, whose name I found to be Tetsutetsu's team.

I looked over at Midoriya's team, seeing that he literally broke the floor with his tears. I told Shinsou I'd be right back before rushing off to see Midoriya. Unsurprisingly, I saw Ochako, as well as Tokoyami and a girl I didn't recognize. "Ochachan, why is Midoriya-kun crying?" I asked, concern lacing my voice. She quickly explained the situation, and I quietly laughed. The second I looked up once more, my (e/c) eyes met with heterochromatic ones. "Ah, Todoroki-kun." I managed to say without stuttering. "Midoriya, I want to talk to you." They shared a glance before the two walked off, and I made my way back to Shinsou.

As the two of us went off for the lunch break, I couldn't stop thinking about what Todoroki needed from Midoriya. "Hey, Shinsou, I'll be right back. I gotta go do something quickly." I hurried off to where I saw the two going earlier, only to see Todoroki about to leave. "T-Todoroki-kun." I called out. He stopped walking and turned to face me.

"About earlier today... I need to explain a few things." My eyes nervously scanned the area, making sure nobody was there to overhear. "You, your the son of a pro hero too, right?" He nodded, although he didn't seem too pleased. "When you asked me if I was connected to Aizawa-sensei, I should have been more specific. He's been raising me ever since... ever since my parents were murdered ten years ago. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of them, but my birth parents were the Pro Heroes Telekenic and Prism Surge."

I paused for a moment, awaiting a response, which I was surprised to get. "My father used to work with them. I never got the chance to meet them." I nodded slightly in understanding. "When my father was murdered, I had been kidnapped and forced to use my quirk for evil... that's why I was never able to use the main part of my quirk. I was... I was too afraid, because I always linked it to those memories. And I can tell, in somewhat of a different way, that your the same. You never use your fire." The boy tensed, I could feel slight anger pulsating off of him.

"I wanted to tell you that, in some way, I can relate to you. Sure, I may have no idea what made you not want to use your fire, but I just thought-" I was interrupted by the boy angrily showing me into the wall, pinning me in place. "You have no idea what you're talking about, do you? Why the hell are you shoving your nose into other people's business and telling me all this?"

For some reason, I had a burst of courage, interrupting him right as he finished. "Because I don't want you to go through the same shit I had to go through!" I paused. "It's taken me years to realize it, but, what that league of villains bastard did to me, I can't let that stop me from using my power. And I don't want the same fate for you too! No matter what, it's your quirk too, isn't it?" I shouted, feeling as if angry tears were about to burst from my eyes.

Todoroki froze. Staring down at me with something new bubbling in his eyes, something I couldn't recognize, but whatever it was, it sure wasn't anger. I stood my ground, staring right back at his heterochromatic eyes. "I guess I was wrong about you." He backed off, looking down at his hands. "Maybe you aren't weak after all."

And with that, he walked away, out of the widened hallway. I felt myself freeze. 'Did I really just do that?' I felt as if someone was watching me, but I stood in place for a few minutes. As I walked out, I noticed the piercing red eyes of Bakugou staring at me. I couldn't read him, but I felt, concerned for some reason. I made my way back to where Shinsou was sitting, plopping myself back down in the seat beside him. "Took you long enough." He stated sarcastically. I let out a small laugh, before noticing someone out of the corner of my eye. He had blonde hair and blue-gray eyes, and he was staring right at me as if he knew me. And I thought I recognized him too.

He started striding towards me, before aggressively blurting out his words. "Well, if it isn't Taka-chan. I didn't think I'd see you again." I only knew one person who called me that. "Monoma-Kun?" Shinsou immediately tensed up beside me, sitting up straight, his head turning to glare at the newcomer. "Oh, and you too. I forgot your name." I knew he was referencing to Shinsou, and I could hear my best friend yet again muttering something under his breath. This time, it was slightly more audible. "Not this damn kazoo kid again." I began laughing, noticing the obvious comparison.

"So, Taka-chan, what class are you in?" The blonde ignored my laughter, giving a somewhat twitchy smile. "I'm in 1-A!" I replied cheerfully. The boy stopped, looking as if he were about to have a seizure, however, before he could say anything, a girl with an orange ponytail walked up and smacked him over the head, Monoma crumpling down to the ground. The girl picked him up by the collar of his shirt. "I'm so sorry about him." She politely said before running off.

"That was stran-" I was cut off by the intercom. "All student please report to the arena, as the final round will begin shortly."

Well, I guess it's time.

Oh my god, it's been way too long. I haven't updated this story since July, and I feel terrible. I shouldn't get to use the school excuse, but I'm going to anyways. I've been really busy with school and sports, such as volleyball, which ended a couple weeks ago(we got third in our district out of 43 teams!) and now basketball and drama is starting.

Anyways, enough of my stupid rambling. If you guys are actually still here, I'm really glad you've been so damn patient. My lazy ass might not be able to get weekly updates out, but I should have at least one every month lmao.

Ok, so, that's all for this chapter. Please correct any mistakes I may have made, and I'm sorry for any OOC-ness. I hope to see you all next time!

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