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haiii omg i haven't updated in forever i'm so sorry!

so since i live in Connecticut, there were snow days during the winter time

that meant we missed school days. now we have to make up for it. we were supposed to get out of school on ther 18th of June but now we get out the 25th. sucks i know. so that means i've been busy with tests and stuff and i apologize.

but i'm updating now! enjoy 

Jai's POV

We just stared at each other for what felt like 2 hours but it was actually 5 minutes.

We would've stared longer but Stella startled us by yelling out, "Alright, now let's get you guys to your house. I think Bella's Range Rover has enough seats."

We made our way to the parking lot, us boys trailing behind Dylan, Stella, and Bella. 

They stopped right in front of a black Range Rover and my, oh my, this car was beautiful.

"DAMN, Bell! You got a nice car!" James said, voicing all of our thoughts. 

We all nodded in agreement, still admiring the car.

Bella chuckled and said, "I'm glad you like it boys. Since this is my car, I'm gonna be driving. So Stella, back away from the door." Stella pouted and went towards the back doors, obviously wanting to drive.

"Dill Pickle, figure out the seating arrangements for them, please." she smirked. Dylan rolled his eyes and grunted, not liking her nickname for him.

"Still with that nickname, Tinker Bell?" he asked, before turning to us. "I despise pickles while these two-" he points towards Stella and Bella. "-love it. Then, BAM! Bella thought it would be funny to call me Dill Pickle, so I said 'I'll call you Tinker Bell' and that's how the nicknames started."

"Mate, no offense but the nickname Tinker Bell sucks." Beau laughed.

"I know but it gets her mad because Tink is blonde." he comes closer to us boys. "And she can be pretty slow sometimes." We laughed and Bella smacked the back of his head.

"Sorry, Tink. I still love you." he gave her a big hug and it made me become a little jealous for a quick second. It quickly vanished when I told myself that they are just good friends and hoped nobody saw my quick change of mood but unfortunately for me Luke saw it. He smirked and winked at me. Idiot. 

"Can we get in the car now? I'm getting tired of standing." Stella fake whined. We laughed and Dylan began to say the seating arrangements. 

"Um, Daniel and Stell, ya'll can sit in the second row where there are two seats. I'll bring up the extra seats in the trunk and James, Beau, Luke, and I can sit there. Jai, you can sit in the passenger seat in the front with Bella." Dylan started to smirk, along with the other boys and Stella.

"Where did Ronnie go?" James asked.

"He said he'll meet us at the house so he can get everything sorted out before we make a mess." Beau quoted. 

"Does one of you have an address to your house?" Bella asked. I started to climb into the passenger seat, now realizing that I'm gonna be freaking sitting next to a beautiful girl for the next hour or so! YES.

Bella realized to when I sat in the seat and started to blush. She's so cute. 

"Yeah, I do. Ronnie gave it to me out of all these cunts because I'm the responsible one." James said, handing a piece of paper to Bella. We protested each saying that we were when the radio came on.

"Shut up." Bella chuckled. "No arguing in my car. I don't mind if you eat or drink in here but if I see a crumb or a drip of soda on my carpet you're all gonna clean my car from top to bottom. The inside and outside." 

"You too, Stell and Dill. You know the rules." she said. They groaned, I'm guessing this happened to them before. 

She must really love her car.

"Yes, I really do love my car." she said, directly at me.

Did I just say that out loud?

"Yes, you did." she replied, smiling.

I started to blush and turn towards the window when I heard a chorus of 'aww's. 

"Alright, let's get going. So this paper says Heaven Avenue. (A/N made it up) You guys live by me!" she exclaimed.

This trip is even better.

I cranked the volume on full blast and Bella opened all the windows, letting the beautiful LA wind go in and out of the car. 

why you gotta be so rude?

don't you know i'm human too?

why you gotta be so rude? 

i'm gonna marry her anyway.

We jammed to Magic!'s song "Rude" and had a blast in the car.

Together Forever - Jai BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now