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decided to update bc i will NOT let my earned 27k reads AND 600 votes go to waste. love ya'll. made this chapter kinda extra long for you guys.

Bella's POV

It's been a few days since the.. jerking off incident and, needless to say, it's been pretty awkward.

Jai's been trying to avoid me and I'm trying to avoid him because he's trying to avoid me.

Childish, I know.

But, wouldn't you find it weird if you found your crush jerking off?

I was just sitting home, eating some Takis, when Dylan and Stella barged into my house. I jumped and accidentally dropped my deliciously spicy chips, causing some to spill out of its purple bag.

"What the hell, you guys! Don't come into my home acting like you're about to rob my house!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry not sorry, bitch. Get up, hoe! We need to go over the boys' house. Something's wrong!" Dylan yelled.

"First of all, stop yelling - you're hurting my ears. Second, what's wrong? Did someone get hurt?"

"We don't know, all we know is that I got a text from Luke saying we need to get over there immediately - it's an emergency and they need help!" Stella said.

Thinking the worst, I quickly get up, not really caring about my chips at the moment and head towards the closet near the door where all of my shoes lay. I put on my black and white Roshes and urgently motion for my two idiot friends to walk out of my house and run towards their house.

"Why are you guys just standing there? The boys need help don't they?"

"They do?" Dylan asked, confused. Stella elbowed him in the rib and stared at him, giving him an 'are you serious?' look.

Dylan coughs and says, "Oh, yeah! Come on!"

Not really thinking much of Dylan's short term memory loss of a second, I just throw Stella my keys and yell out at them to lock the door. I run towards their house, not really caring that I probably look like a lunatic running.

As I reach their house, I see all four of the boys out on their front step, looking bored and impatient. James was the first one to notice me and quickly nudged Daniel. Once they all saw me, they fixed their composure and stood up.

"What's wrong? Where's Jai?" I frantically asked, worry and concern dripping through every word.

"He's in the house! Quick, he might be hurt!" Beau yelled.

"Why are you guys just sitting out here when you could've been helping him?!" I yelled back.


The next thing I know, I'm being pushed into their house. Confused as to why they pushed me and left me all by myself, I turned around to question them only to be met with a slamming door. I went to go open it, but it seemed like it was being held shut.

What the fu-

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Jai's voice.

"Oi! You guys, this isn't funny anymore! Let me out so I can-" Jai stops mid-sentence, noticing my presence.

Not really caring about the fact that we haven't spoken in a few days, I ran to him and grabbed his face, hands on both sides of his cheeks.

"Are you okay? What's wrong? Anything hurt? Injured?" I bombarded.

"Um, no? Why would there be?" He looked at me adorably confused while I just stared at him back with the same expression, minus the adorable part.

"Stella and Dylan ran into my house saying something was wrong with you boys and when I came here all of the boys were all on the steps. I noticed you weren't there and got worried something happened to you. But, when I came into your home, they locked me out! Why would the-" I was rambling on when I stopped myself.

This was all a set-up! Wow, I feel so stupid.

"Wait, I did not catch onto any of that. Can you repeat what you said?" he asked. I returned my focus towards him and noticed I still was holding onto his sexy ass face - I mean, what? Did I really say that? Eh, oh well, it's true anyway - along with our close proximity.

He seemed to notice as well as his face began to turn a crimson red. I immediately let go of his face and took a steps back, coughing slightly.

After I gained composure, I repeated what I said but slower and he seemed to catch on.

"That's why they locked me out of the house as well! Huh, who would've thought?"

"Why though?"

"They probably knew we weren't going to speak to each other first since, ya know.."

"Since you started ignoring me?" I looked at him, left eyebrow raised and arms crossed for effect.

"No, since you started ignoring me!"

"Um, no! You were ignoring me so I was just like 'fuck it' and started ignoring you back. I am not the type of person to try to get someone to talk to me. Nope. Nuh-uh, not that type of person, sweetheart. If you thought, even for a second, that I was you must be out of your - how do you Australians say it? - bloody mind. Is that what British people say? Oh well, don't really care. Point is, I will never, ever try to force someone to ta-" I was cut off by Jai.

And you wouldn't believe what he did next.

Together Forever - Jai BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now