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Sat in the store cupboard, Jac took a sharp inhale of breath and prepared to take a leap of faith. Well a metaphorical one.
"I've decided to take that 4 weeks leave." She announced and then paused, "Come with me Fletch?"
He span around to face her with a look of surprise covering his features. Fletch sighed and said quietly, "Jac you know I would love to come but I've got to consider the kids." And with that he turned back to what he was doing. What was I thinking? Of course it wouldn't be possible, Jac thought as she put her head in her hands. Fletch walked over, put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it tight in reassurance. He then turned and left the cupboard.

After he left Jac still sat, frustrated with herself for letting him see her like this. She managed to compose herself and got up to get back to work. She winced as she pushed herself up from the box she was sat on but forced herself to carry on. "There goes my Ice Queen," Fletch thought as he gazed out of his office windows and watched her come back out onto the ward. "Wait what? My Ice Queen? What the hell am I thinking?" He thought frantically. Hurriedly he pushed his thoughts aside and tried to concentrate on the paperwork he was supposed to be doing. It was impossible. His mind constantly wandered back into the subject of the red-haired fiery woman sat in her office just across the ward. "Maybe we could make it work," Fletch thought and jumped to his feet.

Knock knock. Jac looked up at her office door as it opened. In came Fletch, just the man she didn't want to see after her moment of embarrassment. She quickly took off her glasses and bowed her head to avoid his eyes.
"Can I help you Fletch?" She asked in a bored tone.
"I think you might." He replied with a smirk. "Where were you thinking of going for this holiday then?"
"I don't know, why do you ask?"
He walked over behind her desk to stand in front of her. She swivelled round in her chair and finally met his gaze.
"I want to come with you." He took a pause to gauge her reaction. When she didn't say anything he continued, "I could ask my mum to have the kids for a few days and we could do it."

"Oh." That was all she said for a few moments. To Fletch those few moments felt like a few hours. "Right okay. Can I come to yours with Emma later and we can see what we can find?" She asked finally. Fletch breathed an inward sigh of relief.

"Yeah sure, um we can pick up the little ones from the crèche after shift and then we can get a takeaway at mine. I'm sure mine and Emma will get on alright." Fletch suggested.

"Okay, now haven't you got a job to be doing?" Jac was still a little surprised that he had agreed to go away with her and she needed some time alone to think.

"Yup see you later then Ms Naylor." And with that he strode out of her office with a big dopey grin on his face. This was the happiest he had been in a long time. On his way back to his office he passed Petrenko who gave him a confused look but didn't comment. When he reached his office he chucked his body into his chair and sang to himself, "I'm going on holiday with Jac Naylor!". He tried to get his paperwork done but he couldn't wipe the smile off his face. He knew his kids would understand that he needs a break and his mum would be more than happy to take the kids for a few days or more.

Frieda marched into Jac's office to demand answers. "Why did Fletch just come practically skipping out of your office with the happiest smile on his face that I've ever seen?"

Jac raised her eyebrow and tried to act innocent. "I have no clue whatsoever as to what you're talking about. Now as you can see I'm very busy so please leave my office and get back to you're own job Petrenko." She knew she wasn't fooling anyone but she tried her best anyway.
"Whatever you say Ms Naylor, whatever you say." Petrenko smirked and turned on her heels to walk out. "I will find out what's going on between them one day" she thought to herself as she left. Jac had finally come to terms with what was happening and she also couldn't wipe the smile off her face all day. She was going on holiday with Fletch and she couldn't wait.

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