Wait, what?

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"Wait what was that?" Evie piped up. In a few strides she was across the room and stood amongst the other children. What do we say now? Jac thought frantically.

"I- er, um. We-" Jac stumbled over her words. This was a first.

"Well," Fletch looked towards Jac for confirmation. "We were going to tell you. But it wasn't supposed to come out in this way. Yes, Jac and I are together." All the children squealed happily.
"But please guys, don't think for one second that I am trying to replace your mum." Jac chipped in with a smile at their reactions.
"So how comes Emma knew before us then?" Mikey asked with a slight accusing tone.
"I saw Mummy and Fletch kissing the other day." Emma announced proudly.
"Yeah, she came home from her Dad's house and she caught us." Fletch explained with a slight blush creeping up his face. The kids laughed and watched in delight as Fletch's arm snaked around Jac's back and pulled her into his side. Evie loved seeing her dad so full of life. Jac completed him, she thought.

"Right come on then, where's this Chinese at? I'm starving." Fletch complained. Just as he finished talking the shrill sound of the doorbell filled the house. "Ah there it is, it's almost as if I'm psychic." Jac rolled her eyes and gave him a shove towards the door with a quick pat on the bum. He paid and brought the food into the front room to find Ella, Emma, Theo, Mikey, Evie and Jac all sat on the rug, waiting for him to return.
"Why are we waiting?" They all sang together, almost as if it was rehearsed.
"Alright alright give a man a chance you lot." He said laughing.

After a short while of munching on chicken balls and noodles and rice and all sorts, they were all full to the bursting point. The two families lounged around on the floor just generally having fun being together. It was nearly time for Jac to take Emma home to bed when Fletch spoke up.
"Don't go, stay here tonight. Emma can bunk in with Ella, they won't mind. They'll love a little sleepover."

"I don't know, I would have to ask Emma." She replied with silent hope that her daughter would agree. Jac called Emma over and spoke softly. "Do you want to stay in Ella's bed tonight, have a sleepover with the Fletcher's?" Emma nodded enthusiastically. Jac turned back to Fletch and told him, "That would be great." He grinned in reply. Fletch announced to the kids that Jac and Emma would be staying over for a sleepover but only Evie knew what this meant for them. She flashed a smirk in her fathers direction and shook her head.

At 9pm the younger children started to look sleepy so Fletch sent them off upstairs to get their pyjamas on and clean their teeth. Ella supplied Emma with a pair of Elsa pyjamas which pleased her enormously. Fletch then found her a spare toothbrush to clean her teeth with. The girls got into their bed in Ella's room and Theo and Mikey went to their rooms. Jac and Fletch climbed the stairs and entered each room to say goodnight and tuck them in. The sight of Emma and Ella curled up together made Jac's heart swell with love. They were already a family and it had only been about a week since they got together.

Holy moly, thought Jac, only a week and already the kids are involved. This scared her to death but she was also comforted by the fact that they all fit so well together. Are we moving to quick? Jac asked herself as she kissed Emma's head and left the room with Fletch trailing behind. Shortly after Evie left to go to bed claiming that she was very tired. Fletch knew better than to fall for that one, she just wanted them to be alone together. She kissed her dad goodnight and then hugged Jac. The girl whispered in Jac's ear softly, "Thank you for making him happy." And then she pulled away and left the room.

When it finally reached 11pm, the couple made their way up to their bedroom to go to bed. Returning from the bathroom, Fletch found Jac sat on the edge of the bed lost in her thoughts. I hope she's not having second thoughts now, he thought as he raided his drawers for something she could put on to sleep. Preferably he wanted her in nothing but because of the amount of kids currently in the house she needed to stay covered. He tossed the smallest t-shirt he could find at her, breaking her away from her little daze.
"Thank you." She muttered and began to change. Fletch couldn't help but once again admire her beautiful slim body despite her scars. They added to her character and they felt like a blessing to Fletch as they were what had bought them together in the first place. His t-shirt hung loosely around her figure and reached down not far above her knees. Both dressed, they climbed into the bed and snuggled up beside each other. Fletch ran his fingers up her side, sending an uncontrollable shiver through her body. She distracted his tickling by pulled his lips to her and kissing him passionately. He responded and wrapped his body around hers. Soon enough they were being quite explicit with each other and just prayed that none of the children were awake or would come into their room.  

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