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Fletch stood up straight and held her hands as she sat in the wheelchair. He had never been happier than in that moment but he could tell that Jac was getting cold out in the fresh breeze so he decided it was time to go back inside.
"Come on, let's get you back to bed." His kissed her cold lips and pushed the wheelchair back into the building. They crept their way onto the ward and got Jac back into bed.
"I thought I told you to call me when she woke up?" Petrenko walked in with an eyebrow raised. "And where have you been?"

"Oh um sorry, I forgot about that. We just went for a little walk." Fletch stumbled over his words nervously. Jac had to bite her cheeks to stop herself from laughing at the pair of them but couldn't help the smile that crept onto her lips. Fletch stepped back away to give Petrenko room to do her usual tests and watched as Jac complained about everything she was asked to do. Well they do say doctors make the worst patients, Fletch thought to himself with a small smile.
"What are you smiling at?" Jac snapped as Frieda took her blood pressure.
"Just thinking about that saying, doctors make the worst patients." He explained as she glared at him.
"I'm not a bad patient thank you very much." Jac replied grumpily. Both Frieda and Fletch snorted with laughter at her comment. "Oh for God's sake, go away, I'm fine Petrenko." She snapped again, pulling her arm out of the Doctor's grasp.

Fletch shook his head in mock despair. "What are you like, Ms Naylor." He laughed as Frieda walked away, surrendering before she got her head snapped off. Fletch pulled her hand up to his face and lightly brushed her knuckles with his lips.
"Go to sleep, Fletch. You won't be any good to anyone tomorrow if you're tired. I'm not going anywhere." She tried to lean over to kiss his lips and winced. Fletch noticed and made an effort to close the gap between them.

When they parted, Fletch waited until Jac fell asleep to go and find a pillow for himself. It was now 2.30 am and he found Frieda walking out to go home. She's late going home, Fletch thought as he ambled to the store cupboard. He grabbed a soft plump pillow and made his way back to his girlfriend's side. It seems weird calling her my girlfriend, he thought with a small smile creeping onto his face.

By 03:00 am, Fletch was finally settled into the plastic chair, as comfortable as he could be and his eyes were becoming heavy. He didn't try to fight the sleep which was pulling him in and was soon in a deep slumber. Fletch dreamt that his and Jac's relationship developed even further and they were getting married. However, this wonderful dream took a turn and ended with Jac in hospital but this time she hadn't pulled through surgery. The Nurse woke with a start after which felt like only five minutes to him. He held back the tears and opened his eyes to find Jac watching him adoringly.

"Morning, I didn't want to wake you." Fletch breathed a massive sigh of relief at the sight of the once fiery woman sitting up in bed with a smile on her face. He reached forward and clutched onto her hand as if it was the only thing keeping him alive.
"Morning sweetheart, did you sleep okay?" He asked, trying not to let on that something was up. She nodded and yanked him forward, crashing her lips onto his. When they pulled away for air, they sat with their foreheads touching and breathed deeply.
"What was that for?" He questioned, surprised that she was prepared to openly do that on the ward.
"You're tense, it's not good for you. So I made you become less tense." She smirked, proud of herself. Fletch laughed and shook his head.
"Thanks I guess?"

They spent the day messing around, laughing and joking. There wasn't a single moment where Jac was bored, even when Fletch ran off to go and check on everything to make sure it was all running smoothly.
"You know you don't need to keep coming to check up on me, I can cope on my own." Petrenko said when he came back for the fourth time that day.
"I know, I don't doubt that. I just want to Jac to be happy and for her to know that without either of us, her castle still stands and all her servants are still working as usual." Fletch joked. They both knew that Jac was very protective of her ward and that she would be secretly fretting about whether her staff were slacking in her absence. Each time, Fletch would return to the Ice Queen and report back that everything was fine. This put her mind at rest and she relaxed into the company of her best friend and boyfriend. No partner, not boyfriend, that doesn't sound right, she thought to herself.

Later that evening, Petrenko came to give them good news. "So Ms Naylor, if all stays as good as it is now until tomorrow morning, you should be discharged and home in time for lunch." Jac and Fletch turned to look each other and grinned. "You will need lots of rest of course and at least another week off of work. No arguments, Doctors orders." Jac rolled her eyes but accepted.

When Frieda had left, the couple turned to each other and grinned.
"You're coming home again." Fletch said excitedly.
"I know." She paused. "When you say home, where is that?"
"I don't know, wherever you want it to be."
"I don't mind." She replied thoughtfully.
"Stay at mine? Just while you recover. I want to be able to come home to you after work and to be able to look after you." He offered. She nodded and pulled him into a bone crushing hug.

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