Our little Naylor secret

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Fletch awoke to find the space beside him in the bed empty but still warm. Jac must have not long got up then. He laid waiting for a minute to see if she had just gone to the toilet but when he heard movement downstairs he figured she must have actually got up. Fletch rolled out of bed and stretched to find himself naked. The memories of last night came flooding back and made him smile. He scavenged the floor to find his boxers and made his way downstairs.

Fletch found Jac standing at the toaster sipping from a mug of coffee. He crept in silently and wrapped his arms around her waist. He rested his chin on her shoulder and rubbed her stomach under her t-shirt.
"Hey you," He said fondly. "Are you making me breakfast?"
"Yes I just so happen to be doing that cheeky." She turned her head and kissed his cheek. She turned around in his arms to face him and gave him a lingering kiss.

Ping! The sound of the toaster alerting her that her toast was done made them both jump. They chuckled at the situation and Fletch pulled away from Jac's waist to let her sort out the toast. He walked over to the kitchen table and sat down, watching Jac carefully butter their toast. When she bought it over to him he gave her a delighted smile and leant over to give her a quick kiss.
"I'm going to miss this when you go home." She sighed and took a bite.
"You'll see me at work sweetheart. Speaking of work, what are we going to do about that? Are we a secret?" He waved a finger between them to indicate what he was talking about.
"I guess so, just until we decide to tell the kids. Is that okay with you?"
"Yep that's fine. I don't mind." Jac tried not to gaze adoringly at the man sat across from her. He's so perfect, she thought.

"Thank you, you too Jac." He grinned trying to hold in his laughter. Jac looked taken aback and nearly died of embarrassment when she realised she had said that out loud. She hid her face as she ate the last bite of her toast.
"Hey don't hide that beautiful face from me." He had got up and was now stood beside her. He put his finger lightly under her chin and nudged it up so that she was looking at him. "You don't need to be embarrassed around me you know." He pulled her up and sat down on her chair and then pulled her back down onto his lap. She snuggled into his shoulder and he kissed the back of her neck as her hair fell down in front of her. She shivered at the feel of his lips on her bare skin.

"Oi stop that, you know what that does to me." She giggled. He continued to do it to see how far she would let him go. He had kissed his way from where her hair began down to the neck of her t-shirt when she finally pushed him off. She tried to give him a grumpy look but cracked a smile after a few seconds of eye contact. This is what Fletch was doing to her now he had broken through her walls. I need to sort this out, she thought.

"Emma comes home at 1pm today so you'll need to be gone before then Mister. Jonny's dropping her off." She patted his shoulders and went to put the dishes in the sink. "Right I'm off for a shower now." She announced and strode out of the kitchen. Fletch scuttled out to catch her up.
"Why don't we save water and I join you?" He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Um no thanks Fletch, I'd rather not. Besides I need to wash my hair today so I'll need space." She grinned mischievously.
"Ugh fine then, be like that then Ms Naylor." He said sarcastically.

A few hours passed of them messing around on the sofa, drinking coffee, watching soppy love films and cuddling. It got to 12.50 pm when Jac suddenly realised the time.
"Fletch I don't want to get rid of you but...it's 12.50 and Emma's going to be home." She looked at him sheepishly.
"Ah yes, that's fine I need to get back to the kids now anyway. Relieve mum of her babysitting duties. I bet she's exhausted." He chuckled at the thought of them running her ragged. My poor mother, he thought and went to grab his coat. Jac followed him out into the hallway and held the door whilst he stepped out. Before he walked away Jac pulled him into a passionate and lingering kiss. It was almost as if she was never going to see him again. They still kissing when they heard a familiar voice shout happily, "Mummy!". The pair pulled apart surprised and saw Emma standing at the end of the path smiling brightly at her mother. "Fletch?" She gave him a confused look.

Jac looked behind Emma to see Jonny still with his head in the boot of the car. "Hey darling, come give Mummy a big hug then!" Jac called out to her daughter. Emma skipped down the garden path and into her mother's arms.
"Hello again." Jac heard Jonny greet Fletch in front of them.
"Hi." Fletch replied, a grumpy tone coated his voice.
"Hi Jonny, Fletch was just dropping me back home from the airport, there was a bit of a delay." Jac used Fletch's lie to cover up for them both.
"Ah Right okay. Well nice to see you both again but I'll be off now. Bye Emma." He kissed his daughter on the head and walked back down the path to his car and drove away.

Shortly after Fletch did the same and Jac and Emma went back inside their house. They sat on the sofa watching kids cartoons which Jac found highly irritating but sat through for the sake of her daughter's happiness.
"Emma? What you saw me and Fletch doing outside the front door is grown up stuff. So that means you can't tell anyone, it can be our own little Naylor secret, okay?" Jac spoke softly to her.
"Okay Mummy, our little Naylor secret." Emma grinned and climbed onto her lap. Jac smiled contentedly but winced in pain when Emma accidentally kicked her side with the wound.

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