It's a bit strange isn't it?

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Today was Thursday. That meant both Jac and Fletch were going back to work after Jac's holiday and Fletch's week of "illness". Well that could be true if you can class head-over-heels-in-love as an illness, Jac thought to herself as she got herself dressed for the day. She put on her usual black blouse and black trousers and went into Emma's room to get her up.
"Come on sweetheart, time to get up." She kissed her daughters forehead as her eyelids fluttered open. The child smiled up her mother. "If you go to the crèche today like a good girl for Mummy, you'll get to play with Theo. You're friends with Theo Fletcher now aren't you honey?" She asked stroking her hair away from her face.
"Yes Mummy, we play with the big bricks and the cars." Emma replied with a bright smile and climbed out of her bed.

Jac helped Emma to have a quick wash and then got her into her clothes. The four year old sat between her legs whilst Jac tied up her hair. They then grabbed a quick bite to eat in the kitchen and got into the car, Emma strapped into her booster seat in the back.
"Off we go then, back to reality." Jac muttered to herself as she pulled away from the house. Emma sat singing parts of Disney songs softly as she stared out of the window. Jac smiled at the sight. So much love for her daughter filled her heart.

The pair pulled up into their usual parking space just as Fletch was lifting Theo and Ella out of the back of the car. He was purposely taking his time so he would be walking in at the same time as her. Jac knew it was because he wanted an excuse to say hello to her. The two families met at the entrance to the hospital and greeted each other pleasantly. Emma let go of Jac's hand to run round her legs to walk beside Theo. They were apparently best friends now which worked out well for their parents. Ella tagged along, holding her fathers hand, trying to keep up with their relatively speedy pace. Jac and Fletch's hands brushed each other and they walked beside each other and they glanced carefully up at each other. Fletch grinned sneakily whilst Jac glared at him. Although Emma already knew about them she wasn't particularly in the mood to be facing questions from the idiots she had to work with. They walked in silence towards the crèche to drop their children off.

When they walked back onto the ward, Fletch went to his office and Jac was on her way to hers when she was violently pushed into it. The door slammed behind them and Jac turned round to see Petrenko standing in front of her with her hands on her hips.
"Right Ms Naylor, what's going on? You can't hide from me any more. I want answers." Frieda demanded.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Now I have some work to catch up on so if you wouldn't mind-" Jac was cut off.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about Jac." She smirked. "Don't you think it's a bit strange that you disappear off with no word to anyone for a week and then suddenly on the same day and minutes after I spoke to
you on Monday Fletch calls in sick. It's also a little strange how you both return on the same day. Explain that then?" Her smirk widened knowing that Jac wasn't prepared for this and she was about to struggle to worm her way out of this one.

"I went on holiday and Mr Fletcher was ill. What's so strange about that? I'll tell you what is strange though. The fact that you're still here in my office when we both have jobs to be doing. Goodbye Ms Petrenko." Jac ushered the woman out of the door and slammed it behind her. She slid down the back of it until she was crouched on the floor. A few moments later there was a knock above her. She recognised that knock. Jac scrambled to her feet, wincing at the sharp pain shooting through her side at the sudden movements. She quickly recovered and said "Come in!". The door opened to reveal Fletch standing outside clutching two takeaway coffee cups. He walked in and kicked the door shut with his foot.

"I thought we could both do with a gentle ease into reality. What do you think eh?" He smiled and strode over to the sofa on the other side of the office. Fletch put the coffees on the table patted the space on the sofa beside him in a gesture to get her sit with him.
"You know, we could have some real fun with Petrenko." Jac smirked proudly.
"Mmm." Fletch replied and pulled her into a passionate kiss. They got a little carried away and were still kissing when the office door flung open. The pair strung apart as Petrenko gasped from the door. She chuckled and as she went to close the door to walk away she muttered, "I knew it!". The couple turned back to face each other and couldn't hold back a laugh.
"Why does this keep happening to us?" Jac whined.
"Because you are too beautiful and I can't keep my hands off of you Ms Naylor." He cupped her face with his large hands. "Anyway don't worry, Petrenko knows better than to tell anyone. Your ice queen reputation will be up held for a little longer darling." Fletch earned himself a light punch to the arm for that last bit.

Jac and Fletch sat and drank their coffee and managed to restrain from touching each other. When they were done, Fletch stood up and gave her a quick light kiss and strode out of the office. Immediately after he left in came Petrenko. Jac rolled her eyes.
"Come to gloat have we, Ms Petrenko?"
"Nope. I just came to see why you've been hiding this from me." She spoke in her thick accent.
"Look it happened when we were away, I didn't know before I left-." She was cut off abruptly.
"So you did go away together. Fletch wasn't ill then." She laughed and walked out of the office, leaving Jac to sigh with defeat. No point trying to keep it a secret anymore, everyone seems to keep finding out.

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