Where to?

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Later that evening Jac and Fletch met at the hospital crèche. They each collected their respective child and walked out to their cars. Jac strapped Emma into her car seat meanwhile Fletch hurried off to collect his other three from the childminder. Jac sat in the drivers seat of her car and was about to start the engine when realisation hit her. She didn't know where she was going. She had never been to Fletch's house before. Jac pulled her phone out of her pocket and sent him a text.

Hi Fletch,
I just realised that I don't know where I'm going. Can you send me your address please?

Her thumb hovered over the keyboard as she debated whether to add a kiss on the end. After a minute of deliberation she left it as it was and sent it. As she waited for a reply she explained to Emma what was going to happen that evening. Her daughter nodded and said as grown up as possible, "I like Fletch, he does the spider song with me." This made Jac smile brightly into the darkness.

The sound of her text alert pulled her out of her little trance as she unlocked the screen to read her message.
Hi Jac,
I forgot about that whoops.
It's 12 Greyson Avenue. See you soon
Fletch x 
In an instance she typed back a reply.
Jac x
His kiss on the end of his text made her regret not sending one on her first message. Oh well, she thought, he's got one on this one.

Fletch raced home with the kids and commanded them all to tidy the front room. He then asked Evie to be in charge of making sure the others helped her whilst he set to work on the kitchen. When the doorbell rang his heart flipped with nerves. Why was he so nervous to have Jac in his home? He put it down to the fact that his house was so untidy and he was embarrassed to be seen living in such a mess. At least that's all he hoped it was. He tried to push aside his butterflies and went to open the door. There she stood, holding Emma's tiny hand beside her.

"Good evening Mr Fletcher." She greeted him with a smirk. She didn't seem to feel awkward at all, unlike Fletch. He returned the greeting and gestured for them to come in. Whilst Jac took off her coat Fletch kneeled down in front of Emma.
"How you doing sweetie? Do you want to go up and find the others. I think they're playing in Ella's room." The small girl nodded and ran up the stairs to join the others.

"See I told you they would get on just fine." Fletch said with a smile. Jac gave him one of her genuine rare smiles. They moved into the kitchen and Fletch began to get out two glasses. Jac watched as he bent down to get a bottle of red wine out of the fridge. She would give anything to be wrapped in his arms again holding her up, she thought as she gazed at him. Wait, what was she thinking? She couldn't let her guard down again. Fletch turned back round to face her and caught her staring at him. She seemed to be in the middle of a daydream. He cleared his throat to try to regain her attention but what he didn't know was that he was what had caught her attention in the first place. Jac snapped her eyes away from him and pretended to be focusing on the decor in the kitchen. This made Fletch smirk as she said like it was the most interesting thing she had come across, "Lovely colour schemes in here."

"Come on you, let's go and sit on the sofa and I'll get my laptop out." He placed his hand gently on the base of her back as they exited the kitchen. She tensed up and goosebumps appeared on her skin. Noticing the effect he had on her she pulled her cardie sleeves over her hands in an attempt to hide the goosebumps. They sat on the sofa with their legs curled up beneath theming began to search for last minute holidays.

"Next Saturday until Wednesday in Cape Town?" Fletch suggested. Today was Tuesday so it would give them time to prepare and sort out the kids.
"Mmm sounds nice," Jac replied thoughtfully. "What's the sleeping arrangement like?"

"Two bedroom apartment and all inclusive with a pool. Sounds perfect to me." Fletch clicked onto view the photos of the resort.

"Let's do it." Jac smiled enthusiastically. In half an hour they were booked up to leave from Holby Airport at 10.15 on Saturday morning.
"We're going on holiday!" Fletch sung happily. "I spoke to the kids earlier and they're completely fine with it, although they don't know I'm going with you."

The pair sat on the sofa drinking wine and laughing at each other. They were having great fun but too soon it came time for Emma to go to bed. Jac and Fletch crept up the stairs to go and see what their kids were doing. From the stairs they could hear no noise coming from any of the bedrooms. They tiptoed between each room. Evie was sat at her desk doing homework, Mikey was in bed on his tablet and Theo had taken himself to bed and was sound asleep. The next room they went into was Ella's where they found Emma and Ella sprawled out on Ella's bed fast asleep. They look so contented and peaceful, thought Jac as they peered in. The parents turned to look at each other at the same time and smiled. They crept back out onto the landing to whisper.

"It seems a shame to wake her up now." Jac said with a hint of sadness in her voice. "She looks so happy where she is."
"Why don't you both stay the night seeing as you can't drive anyway after the amount we drank tonight. That way you won't have to wake her up." He paused to think through his plan. "I'll have the sofa and you can have my bed. I don't mind."
"I couldn't do that to you, I'll take the sofa but thanks for the offer though." She argued.
"Well come on let's go back down and we can watch some rubbish tv and drink more wine and then we can decide." He suggested.
Jac agreed and they went back down to the sofa. After about half an hour Jac was asleep with her head on his shoulder. When his arm was beginning to go numb he gently slipped out from beneath her and went to fetch a blanket from the cupboard.

He placed the blanket over her sleeping body and muttered under his breath. "Once again Jac Naylor has got what she wanted." He chuckled and kissed her forehead. He then left her and went up to his own room.

Flac ~ If he had gone with herWhere stories live. Discover now