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The next morning they awoke in each other's arms to the sound of a blaring alarm. Fletch groaned and rolled over and slap the button to turn it off. Jac shut her eyes to try and go back to sleep but was disturbed by Fletch's lips meeting hers. She jumped at the sudden touch and when he pulled back she chuckled.
"Good morning to you too Mr Fletcher." Opening her eyes, she smirked and rolled out of bed. "Come on we need to get packed and get out of here. We've got to be at the airport by 8 am and it's already 6." When he made no effort to move, she marched around to his side of the bed and grabbed him by the ankle.
"Oi Mister! I said get up!" She couldn't hold back her laughter as she dragged him by the foot off of the bed until his feet reached the ground. She let go of him and watched as he fell into a heap at her feet with a groan. Jac laughed so hard that she collapsed on the floor beside him.

When she had finally recovered she turned to face him and attempted to give him a stern look. "Seriously, we need to get ready." She stood up and pulled him up with her. In no time at all they were packed and ready to go. They lounged around in the hotel lobby after checking out at 7.30 and waited for their transfer coach to take them to the airport. Fletch sat on the sofa with his arm across the back behind Jac and turned his head to kiss her temple. She closed her book and shuffled herself round on the seat to face him.

"You know, when I asked you to come away with me I never anticipated to be coming home like this. I sort of half expected to be glad to be coming home so I could get some space to myself. But now I realise it was the best thing I have ever done. Look at us, we entered this country merely as friends and now we're leaving it as..." She trailed off, trying to find the right word for it.
"A couple?" Fletch offered.
"Yeah, calling you my boyfriend makes me feel young and silly again like a teenager. We're far too grown up for that aren't we dear Fletch?" She said the last part in a voice as fancy as she could muster up.
"Oh yes darling, very grown up." Fletch cracked up and couldn't keep his face serious any longer. They laughed hysterically, gaining them a few confused looks from people walking through.

At 8 am the coach finally arrived and they went outside to get on board. The long flight home from Cape Town wasn't half as bad as flying out. Now Jac had Fletch to cuddle into, she was very comfortable. She was just about to drift off to sleep whilst leaning on his arm when she decided it was time. She tilted her head up to meet his eyes and whispered, "I love you.". Fletch's eyes widened slightly with surprise and it took him a moment to gather himself together and reply with, "I love you too" with a kiss on her head. Content with their current lives, they drifted off to sleep and slept through most of the journey.

What felt to Fletch like only a few minutes later, they were both abruptly woken up by an announcement from the captain.
"Hello, this is your captain speaking. I would just like to inform you all that we will shortly be beginning our decent back down to Holby City Airport. Please could all crew and passengers take their seats and fasten their seat belts. We should be back on the ground in roughly 15 minutes. Thank you."

About an hour later they were finally through passport control and had collected their bags and were making their way back to Fletch's car which they had left in the airport car park so they would be able to get home. Fletch drove along the motorways with the radio blaring just as the sun began to set that evening. Suddenly, Living On A Prayer came on the radio and both Jac and Fletch found they couldn't help but sing along. Well they say sing but it was more of shouting along to it.
"WOAH OH WE'RE LIVING ON A PRAYER!" Jac bellowed just as loud as Fletch. When the song finished, they chuckled at each other between pants of trying to catch their breath back.
"Brilliant song." Fletch grinned as he kept his eyes on the road.
"Always." Jac replied with an equally sized grin across her face.

Shortly after Fletch pulled up outside Jac's house. She didn't want him to leave just yet. She didn't want today to end. Being alone would ruin the day.
"Come in with me? Your mum is staying until tomorrow isn't she?" She asked.
"Mmm." He thought about it. "I guess I could stay."
"We can get a takeaway because I'm starving and then you can stay over." She grinned again. He nodded and they got out of the car. Fletch hauled her case in through the front door and left it in the hallway only to be thrust up against the wall behind him. Jac crashed her lips into his and after a few milliseconds of shock, Fletch responded. His hands roamed her body and found some bare skin at the base of her back where her t-shirt had risen up. He stroked his fingers lightly across her soft delicate skin, sending a feeling of electric through her body.

Fletch gently pulled his lips away and she gave him a disappointed puppy eyes look. Without a word he pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialled a number. The dial tone rang and rang until a woman picked up the phone.
"Hi Mum. How are the kids?" He paused to listen to her answer. "Great. Well, I'm slightly delayed so I probably won't be home until tomorrow morning, are you okay to stay with the kids until then?" He crossed his fingers and hoped she bought his lie.
"Of course darling, you know I love looking after the kiddies, one more night won't hurt anyone. You'll have to tell me all about your holiday when you get home." Jac listened silently but snickered at that last bit. When he had hung up she said, "I don't think you'll be telling her every part about it." He smirked and kissed her again. "Now where were we? Ah yes, on our way up the stairs." Fletch said with a cheeky smirk, his forehead against hers. Jac lead them up to her bedroom and shut the door behind them.

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