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After Fletch's dreadfully long night, he woke up from his short nap just as the sun crept in and climbed the walls of the apartment. He shielded his eyes from the light and tried to sit up on the sofa.
"Ow bloody hell!" He exclaimed in pain as his back forced him to lay back down. Fletch's muscles were so tense from how he had slept last night that he couldn't move. He was about to try to get up again when Jac waltzed into the room and put the kettle.

"Morning Mr Fletcher." She greeted him cheerfully. She has clearly had a good nights sleep, unlike some he thought.

"Morning." He replied in a strained voice as the pain worsened. "Um Jac. Could you help me please?"
"Mmhhmm, what with?" She asked and turned round to face him. Concern covered her facial features as she saw his pained face.
"Wellllll, this sofa is the most uncomfortable thing I have ever slept on and it's done my back in. I can't get up." He blushed under her intense gaze and tried not to make eye contact.
"Okay well you wait here and I'll go run you a bath. It'll help release the tension in your muscles." Fletch gave her a surprised look and his eyes widened. "Don't worry, once I've filled the bath I'll leave you to it. I'm not gonna stand and watch you bath."
Fletch's face visibly relaxed at the sound of her soft laugh.
"I mean you're welcome to stay if you want but I don't know if it'll be a nice sight for your eyes. I'm no six pack and muscles guy." He joked. Jac rolled her eyes at him chuckling and walked away to run the bath.

A few minutes later and she came back to help him up off the sofa. He put his arms tightly around her neck as she pulled his waist up, careful not to hurt his back. God did she smell nice or what Fletch thought. Once he was up he backed away from her before he went too far. He walked away to the bathroom to have his bath. It was five minutes later when Jac heard him call out to her.
"Jac, I need help again." He called sheepishly from the bathroom doorway. She ambled over to see what he needed. He blushed deeply which was rare sight for Jac and he looked down at his feet embarrassed.
"It's too painful to lift my arms to take my top off." She took the hint and helped him out of it. He stood in front of her in just his pyjama bottoms as she tried not to stare at his chest. He had said he didn't have a six pack which was true but he wasn't in bad shape. His arms had a decent amount of muscle, not too much but enough to make him look strong. Fletch cleared his throat reminding her that she was still in the bathroom with him. It was her turn to blush now.

"Right then I'll leave you to it. If you need me just call." She give him an awkward smile and left. What had just happened? They both questioned themselves. Fletch sat in the bath thinking about Jac. What was happening to their friendship? Why was he suddenly having intrusive thoughts about her? Ones that he had never had about anyone before, not even his ex-wife. What did this mean? So many questions circled in his mind as he tried to relax. His back had become less painful now but he was starting to turn into a prune so he climbed out and got dried. With only a towel wrapped around his waist he walked out of the bathroom to go and get a cup of tea.

Fletch found Jac sat on the sofa reading her book. When she heard the clatter of mugs being moved in the cupboard she looked up to see Fletch standing at the kitchen area. His back was turned to her so she had a full view of his defined bare back. She shook her head and tried to get back to her book. No matter how hard she tried she could not concentrate. Her mind raced with thoughts of Fletch and questions about why she was suddenly having these thoughts.

When Fletch had finally decided to get dressed at around mid day, the pair decided to take a picnic and go for a walk to find a local lake. This lake was supposedly only a short hike from the resort. The day passed quickly as they sat by the waters edge laughing and just generally chatting for hours on end. After dinner later that evening they went for a drink down in the resort bar. A drink turned into a few drinks until they were slightly tipsy. At around midnight they wobbled back to their apartment, clutching onto each other.

"I'm gonna go to bed now." Jac announced.
"Jac...want to share half the bed with me?" He asked nervously. "No funny business of course. I'll keep to my own side and I won't pull the covers off, promise."

"Yeah sure." What was she saying? She hadn't shared a bed with anyone in ages. It was going to feel a little weird, especially as it was Fletch. Oh well what the heck? She thought and climbed into her side. Fletch followed suit, laying on his side. It only took a few minutes until they were both sound asleep peacefully.

A/N: I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has been reading this story. Seeing the amount of reads and votes go up each day really urges me to write. The lovely comments some of you guys have been leaving are what make me even more passionate about writing. So all in all thank you and please keep reading! Hope you are all enjoying it so far, I try my best ☺️

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