Are you ready?

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The next morning when Jac woke up she was a little disorientated. Where was she? She rubbed her eyes and threw back the blanket that was covering her. Jac glances down at what she was wearing and saw she was still in yesterday's clothes. That was when her memory of last night came flooding back. She remembered that she had booked to go on holiday with Fletch and grinned.

Wandering into the kitchen she found Fletch at the toaster making breakfast in his pyjamas. He wore checkered trousers and a short sleeve T-shirt and ruffled bed hair which suited him perfectly. She stood watching him without him knowing she was there for at least a few minutes. He turned round and met her gaze.

"Hey you," He said, "Do you want some toast?"
"Yeah please if you've got enough. After breakfast I'll take Emma home so we can get ready for the day. Thank you for letting us stay." She replied, a little embarrassed. Fletch served up the toast and went into the hallway and shouted up to the kids to come down. All five of them came running down the stairs like a stampede. Clearly breakfast is popular in this household Jac thought.

When they had finished their breakfast she took Emma home and they had a shower and got dressed. On her way into work Jac dropped Emma off at the crèche and went onto the ward. She passed Petrenko with a smile and headed into her office. Just as she plonked down into her chair Frieda marched in and gave her a stern look, one eyebrow raised.
"Ms Naylor...why are you smiling?" She questioned.
"Am I not allowed to smile every once in a while?" Jac retorted.
"Well yes but this isn't normal for you. So, why are you smiling?" Petrenko gave her an even more inquisitive stare and waited for a reply with her hands on her hips.
"No reason in particular. Now go get on with your job Petrenko."
Frieda strode over to the door and stopped.
"You're one strange woman Ms Naylor." And then she walked away. Ms Naylor shook her head lightly but couldn't stop smiling no matter how much she tried.

The rest of that week passed so quickly that the days all blurred into one. Over those three days Jac had only lost one patient due to a complicated surgery. This wasn't unnatural yet it didn't get any easier each time. On Friday night she began to start to pack. At this time of year it was hard to know what clothes to put in so she took a selection for every occasion and just hoped that her suitcase would be under the weight limit. That night Fletch also began to pack his case with the help of Evie. She had always made sure he dressed well. They were both running frantically around the house trying to find everything he would need.

By Saturday morning they were both ready to go and were both secretly excited, not that either of them would let on. Fletch's mum arrived at 7 am sharp at the house with her suitcase. They had agreed it would be better for her to stay at his house for the duration of her babysitting days so the kids would be able to keep their normal routine. All four children were up and in the front room in their pyjamas just so they could say goodbye to their dad before he left. Fletch was planning on picking Jac up from her house at 7:30, just after Jonny had been to pick up Emma.

When he arrived at Jac's house he jumped out of the car and pretty much galloped up to the front door with excitement. Just as he was about to knock on the door it opened. Out stepped a shortish man with short curly hair. When the man turned to face Fletch he recognised him as Jonny. Emma was stood behind his legs with her little suitcase beside her.
"Oh hello. What are you doing here this early?" Jonny asked. He was really trying to be polite but it was hard to see another man turn up on Jac's doorstep.
"Hi oh um I..." Fletch tried to form words but failed miserably. He didn't know how to respond.
"Fletch is here to take me to the airport." Jac replied for him as she suddenly appeared in the doorframe.
"Right okay, well we'd better be off then hadn't we eh Emma?" Jonny gave Fletch a suspicious look as Emma waved to Jac and off they went.

Fletch stood in the doorstep awkwardly shuffling his feet. Jac smiled slightly at the sight of him being so excited at the same time as nervous. This was a rare sight considering he was usually such a confident man.
"Are you ready to go?" He asked when nobody had moved for a few minutes.
"Yup." She grabbed her case and hauled it over the doorframe.
"Here let me take that." Fletch offered to which Jac gladly accepted. She locked the door and went to get in the passengers seat whilst Fletch loaded her case into the boot of the car. Fletch got into the drivers seat and off they went, into the sunset. Well to the airport.

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