I guess there's your answer

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"I know it's stupid but I can't help it. I am completely and utterly in love with you." Fletch stroked her cheek softly with the backs of his fingers. He knew there was no turning back now. Heat crept up her neck and into her cheeks, giving them a slight pink tinge. "I don't expect you to return my feelings in any way Jac or even speak to me right now. I just needed to let you know before I burst with frustration. Seeing you shut everyone out and suffer on your own wound me up big time but nobody could do anything about it. That's why I stuck around; because nobody else would. That one fateful day as a newbie to my DON job, I promised myself that I would be the one to break down those walls that you are forever building around you." He told her honestly. It wasn't very often that Jac Naylor was knocked speechless but this was one of those rare occasions where she was.

"I don't know what to say Fletch." She whispered after a few minutes of unsuccessfully trying to find the words she wanted to say.
"As I said, I don't expect you to say anything." He replied as he began to get out of bed again. He couldn't bare to sit in that tense silence after he had just admitted all that to her. Just as he got to the door, Jac stopped him in his tracks by saying, "Thank you. For being honest." He turned to face her and nodded with a small smile. He then walked out in the direction of the bathroom.

Jac's mind raced out of control. Do I love him? She'd never experienced such a mind boggling puzzle before. Why did she feel this way? A warm fuzzy feeling filled her stomach as she thought about him. Her hands began to sweat and her heartbeat quickened. She'd never had such prominent symptoms of nervousness as a result of being around someone. Jac heard the shower turn off, signifying that Fletch would be returning soon. She gathered her thoughts and prepared to face him.

Jac had picked up her book and was pretending to read when Fletch wandered back into the bedroom. She wanted it to look like she wasn't affected by his words but when he was stood at the end of the bed with just a towel wrapped around his waist, she gulped rather loudly and had to clamp her mouth shut tightly to stop the drawl from escaping down her chin.
"Listen, I hope I haven't ruined anything by opening my big gob this morning." He smiled sheepishly whilst Jac chuckled lightly.

"Fletch come and sit down." He complied and walked round to her side of the bed. She sat up, cross-legged facing him as he perched on the edge.
"What you said earlier was lovely." She paused and Fletch prepared for the but he guessed he was about to be faced with. "But I don't know if I can say the same just yet." There it was.
"I didn't expect you to Jac." He put his hand over hers which was sat in her lap. "I understand, I really do." He smiled reassuringly. Her heart did flips at his kindness.
"If I'm being honest, I have all these feelings and I haven't been able to make any sense of them. It's nothing like I've ever experienced before. I just need a bit of time to clear my head and work out what I truly want. I don't want you to get hurt. I mean if you look at my past with all the men I've dated, I would steer well clear of me if I was you." She laughed humourlessly.
"Jac I don't care about your past, I want to be your future. But I understand that you need time and that is what I will give you. I'm here whenever you need me." He kissed her forehead and got up to get dressed.

In a daze, Jac left the room to go and get showered. It was their last full day of holiday before they would have to go back to reality. As Jac scrubbed shampoo into her hair she thought about everything. Everything from Fletch to Emma to work and back to Fletch. When she was done she stepped out onto the apartment balcony with her hair dripping. Ah the sun will dry my hair in no time, she thought and went to grab her book.

When she was about five pages into her book which was ironically P.S I Love You, Fletch emerged onto the balcony to join her in the sunshine. By the time she had reached page 10 Fletch was asleep in his chair, snoring softly. The sun was strong and Fletch was starting to burn. Jac ran back in and grabbed the bottle of sun cream off the table and put some on her hands. Carefully trying not to wake him, she rubbed the cream onto his pink face. At her touch, Fletch opened his eyes slowly with a smile and made direct eye contact with her. They both chuckled at the situation, Jac still rubbing sun cream onto his cheeks. They held each other's eyes and suddenly Jac found herself leaning in towards him. She glanced down at his soft looking lips and then back up to his eyes. Fletch swallowed as he realised what was happening. He was finally going to get what he had wanted for a long time.

After what felt like an eternity their lips brushed each other, teasing their nerves. Fletch's hand made it's way up Jac's back and snaked round the back of her head. With his other hand he slowly pulled her legs round so that she was sat on his lap, their eyes locked on each other the whole time. When he couldn't hold back anymore he crashed his lips onto hers with no restraint. It was a slow kiss which Jac responded to. They kissed passionately until they needed to pull away for breath. Jac leaned back, her arms still around his neck and grinned.
"I guess there's your answer Mr Fletcher."

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