Is there an 'us'?

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Jac slowly slid off Fletch's knees looking shy. She stood in front of him not sure what to do next. He pushed himself out of his chair and used the pad of his thumb to wipe a spot of sun cream off the tip of her nose. It must have transferred from his face to hers during their kiss. Fletch's heart raced when he thought about the kiss. He'd never experienced anything like that before. He watched as a strand of fiery red hair dropped down across her face. When she made no attempt to move it he reached forward and tucked it behind her ear, brushing his fingertips lightly across her cheekbone. A shiver was sent across her body right down to her toes.

"What should we do today? We shouldn't really waste our last day away from reality." She asked with a slight smile. Fletch loved being the cause of that smile, he wanted to see it everyday for the rest of his life.
"I don't know. How about a visit to that water park just down the main road?" He asked with a smirk. She shook her head, laughing at him. He's still a massive child at heart, she thought.
"Yeah okay, if that's what you want." She walked back into the room to start packing a bag. If it meant she got to see his bare torso for a whole afternoon, she didn't mind going to a water park.

They spent all day messing around in the water and going down the slides and splashing each other. Jac hadn't had so much fun in a long time. She wished Emma could have been with them. They were sat on sun beds when Fletch suddenly leaned over with his phone up in the air in front of them.
"Selfieeeeee!" He grinned at the camera and pressed the button to take the photo. Jac hated photos but she couldn't help but smile at Fletch and his silliness. I guess he has bought up two girls on his own, Jac thought. 

The sun was starting to set when they finally decided to leave the park and go back to the hotel. The pair made it back to their room just as the sky became a dark navy blue and the stars came out. They stumbled in through the door, drunk with laughter and on a high from the day they had had. Fletch collapsed onto the bed with a content sigh and pulled Jac down beside him. She was on cloud nine. They finally stopped laughing and turned their heads to face each other again. Fletch rolled over and hovered above her face, propped up by his elbow on the mattress.

Closing the gap between their faces, Jac pressed her lips to his and captured him in a kiss. Her hand grabbed the back of his t-shirt and scrunched it up in her grasp. She melted into a puddle of happiness beneath him and closed her eyes. If she ever lost Fletch now she wouldn't cope. It would destroy her.  These had been the longest but also the shortest 5 days of her life. She missed Emma but she also wished she could stay here forever with no one to disturb them.

When Jac pulled away to get her breath back, Fletch stayed hovering over her.
"Jac, we need to decide what we're going to do about the kids. Are we going to tell them or leave it for a bit?"
"As much as I would love to get to know your kids, can we keep us a secret for a bit longer please? It's just that I'm scared this is too good to be true knowing my luck and I don't want to jinx it." She asked, embarrassed.
"Yes of course, that's fine. I told you, I understand. I respect your choices and I want what's best for you." He smiled genuinely. "Does that mean there is an 'us' then?" He teased her and in return got a playful punch to the upper arm. He kissed her lightly on the lips and got back up again.

"I'm going to have a shower before we go to dinner. Don't miss me too much whilst I'm gone." Fletch smirked and waltzed out of the room.
"Cocky much." Jac called out after him with a raised eyebrow.
"I can hear that eyebrow raise Ms Naylor. Put it back down, you'll get frown lines." He called back down the hallway. She chuckled contentedly to herself.

When Fletch came back from the shower he found Jac curled up on the bed asleep. He got dressed and went over to sit by her side and stroked the straggles of hair away from her face. The woman smiled unconsciously in her sleep at his touch and Fletch continued to stroke her hair whilst she slept soundlessly.

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